Project Gutenberg "View Online" tab is not opening in iFrame
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
Problem Symptoms:
- Primo search retrieves Gutenberg Project records from Primo Central, that have the availability status "Full text available"
- When clicking on "View Online" it is opened as a blank iFrame
- A Click on "Open this frame in a new window" opens Gutenberg page
This is security behavior of Gutenberg html pages, the X-Frame-Options defined as DENY.
To set Gutenberg Project records to always open in a new window from Primo:
1- Go to the Mapping Tables > URLs Attributes, and edit it under the institution level.
2- Create a new row:
Add the following as URL prefix:
Add the following as Attribute Name: OpenInNewWindow
Add the following as Attribute Value: true
3- Save and deploy
If you have multiple URL prefixes with overlapping content, the more specific URL prefix will prevail (regardless order of the lines in the mapping table).
- Article last edited: 9/16/2014