Site Down option in Target Service not working for non-verde instances
- Article Type: General
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 4
A problematical behavior was identified in SFX4 when an installation has local instances that part of them (one or more, but not all) are configured for Verde publishing. In that case the option 'Site Down' on the target service level will be disabled (grayed out) for all the instances under that installation.
This behavior was brought to the attention of our development team.
From issue resolution:
Fixed in 4.2.1.[3/13/2012 19:14:32 Itay Stein]
Final Status: Closed [3/13/2012 7:14:38 PM Itay Stein]
Additional Information
Site Down grayed out
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013