Troubleshooting targets that are not displaing in the SFX menu
- Article Type: General
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 3
Why does the link to a certain target service not appear in the SFX Menu as I expect? How do I troubleshoot such a problem?
If a specific target service link does not appear in the SFX Menu that you expect to appear:
1) Check that the target, target service, and the object portfolio for the journal you expect to appear are all activated in your KB.
2)Check if the source service type for the particular source you are coming from is activated in your source table. For example, if a link to an FAQ page is not appearing, and the FAQ link is of a getWebService type, make sure that getWebService is activated in the source table, under the specific source you are using.
3) Make sure that the source/vendor you are coming from is recognized by SFX - all sources that are not configured in the KB are identified as DEFAULT and may not have the same capability as you expect. For more information, see section 8 (Local Source Configuration) of our User Guide part 2.
3)Turn on Debugging on the SFX Menu screen, and see if the threshold or display logic for the journal or target that you want to appear is failing. For more information on SFX Menu screen debugging, check our User Guide part 1, section 12.2.1
4)Look at the metadata that is sent in an OpenURL from the source and see if it is sufficient to pass the threshold - for example, if the OpenURL is lacking an ISSN and Journal title, it may not pass the threshold for a target. If the date is incorrect or missing, it may not pass the threshold for an object portfolio, etc.If you see that the OpenURL coming from a source has erroneous or incomplete metadata, it is usually a good idea to report this to the particular vendor, since SFX does not have control over the type and quality of the metadata that is sent by a source. SFX interprets the metadata it receives, and parses it to resolve to various linking possibilities.
If you cannot resolve the problem on your own, please submit an OpenURL example of the problem to the CRM for further investigation
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013