What data is included in MARC XML exports from SFX?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 4.7.2
What fields are exported from SFX when using the XML export format? Such as when exporting to Primo.
The following fields are included in MARC XML exports:
010 - LCCN Number
008 - Date
020 - ISBN and eISBN's
022 $a - ISSN
030 $a - CODEN
090 $a - SFX Object ID
100 $a - Main Author (Personal Name)
110 $a - Main Author (Corporate name)
111 $a - Main Author (Meeting name)
210 $a - Abbreviated title information
245 $a - Title
245 $b - Subtitle
260 $a,b,c - Place, name and date of publisher/publication
650 $a,x - Category, Subcategory
700 $a Additional Author (Personal name)
710 $a Additional Author (Corporate name)
711 $a Additional Author (Meeting name)
776 $x eISSN
852 $a Institution
856 $u, y - OpenURL and link text
866 $a - Activation Status
866 $b - Date threshold (Available date range)
866 $c - Threshold type
866 $i - Institute
866 $s - Target service Internal ID
866 $t - Target Internal ID
866 $x - Target name and service
866 $z - Object portfolio Internal ID
901 $a - LOCAL field information
945 - CJK language info
Additional Information
Additional information available in SFX General Users Guide pg. 191.
- Article last edited: 3/24/2015