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    Why doesn't Google Scholar show full-text links to eBooks

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: SFX


    Why doesn't Google Scholar show eBooks search results?


    Ex Libris has contacted Google regarding this issue and was replied that Google Scholar currently does not support full-text linking for Ebooks.
    In General, Google Scholar is designed as an academic article database. For books, Google provide a designated service called Google Books, and therefore it does not seem that they will support full-text linking to Ebooks soon.
    We encourage our customers to contact Google and express the consumer's need for a change in this policy.

    Additional Information

    Please note that it is still possible to display full-text links to articles which were published in books, simply search for the specific article to see the link.
    Also, it is possible to reach the link resolver menu for an Ebook result in Google Scholar by clicking the 'More' link under a specific result.
    In order to use this service, please include your library's holdings service in the registration form by answering 'Yes' to the question:
    "Is your SFX server configured to provide holding service?"

    • Article last edited: 5/1/2014