problem with A-Z list page navigation
- Article Type: General
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 3
When trying to navigate from one page to another in the A-Z list result set, I get a Javascript error or the page does not switch at all.
There have been changes to the js and tmpl files which, if not made (e.g. due to the files being localized and no longer symbolically linked to the global version) could result in the error or protblem you describe. Please note that this solution applies only if you are using the older A-Z templates in <instance>/templates/a-z/
Could you please check the following template files in the directory /templates/a-z/ :
1. Three changes need to be made to the files category.tmpl, locate_browse.tmpl, and locate_set.tmpl if they have been localized:
a. The line:
<form name="az_user_form" method="get">
needs to be changed so that the method is "post" instead of "get". After the change, the line will look like:
<form name="az_user_form" method="post">
b. After the line that was changed in part a this line needs to be added:
<input type=hidden name='current_view' value="<TMPL_VAR ESCAPE=HTML NAME='current_view'>">
c. The line:
<form name="az_result_form" method="get">
needs to be changed so that the method is "post" instead of "get". After the change, the line will look like:
<form name="az_result_form" method="post">
2. If the symbolic link for title_head.tmpl has been broken, edit your local file and after the line that looks like this:
<form NAME="az_user_form" accept-charset="UTF-8">
add this line:
<input type=hidden name='current_view' value="<TMPL_VAR ESCAPE=HTML NAME='current_view'>">
3. If the symbolic link for title_browse.tmpl and/or title_set.tmpl has been broken, edit your local file and change the following line:
<form name="az_result_form" method="get">
so that the method is "post" instead of "get". After the change, the line will look like this:
<form name="az_result_form" method="post">
Additional Information
navigation,page,A-Z list,javascript,html,templates,page
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013