CDI Configuration for SFX Consortia and Multi-Institute Configurations
This page describes the configuration options for the following types of consortia configurations (including instances with multiple institutes) for SFX and CDI.
- Single SFX instance connected to multiple PC Keys – only one CDI holdings file
- Single SFX instance connected to multiple PC Keys – in case of an institute/group configuration in SFX – with multiple CDI holdings files
- Consortium institutions where each SFX instance is connected to one PC key – with shared activations
Additionally, this page describes CDI export options for consortia with multiple SFX instances and shared activations.
Single SFX Instance Connected to Multiple PC Keys – Using Only One CDI Holdings File
Search and full text activations from the SFX instance are used in the different Primo environments that use different PC keys.
For example:
PC key | Holdings URL |
Single SFX Instance (with Institutes/Groups) Connected to Multiple PC Keys
In this type of configuration, each Primo institution has a separate PC Key and each PC Key, which is managed using the Primo Central institutional profile, has its own activations and its own CDI holdings file that is generated from SFX. For each PC Key in SFX, a corresponding CDI export has to be scheduled with the appropriate institute/group selections to create the holdings file.
To ensure CDI works properly, the following requirements must be met:
- Each PC Key needs a unique holdings file URL that corresponds to the institute-specific or group-specific activations defined in SFX. Do this by including the institute or group name in the SFX holdings file URL stored in the Primo Central institutional profile for that PC Key:
In the CDI holdings file name, only one -<institute> or <-group>can be included per holdings file URL.
For general information regarding the Primo Central holdings file, see Create SFX Institutional Holdings for Primo Central.
For information regarding institutes configuration in SFX, see the Institute Feature section in the SFX Advanced User's Guide.
For example:
PC key | Holdings URL |
The following is an example of an SFX export for Primo Central (called XXX) for one of the institutes selected during the export:
The holdings file URL is:
Consortium Institutions Where Each SFX Instance Is Connected to One PC Key – With Shared Activations in Instances With Consortia API Configured
For instances connected to a shared instance (SFX consortium model 2), it is possible to define if you want to inherit search activation and link target activation for CDI in the shared instance.
- This setting is ignored if there is no shared instance defined.
- Title-level full text activations from the shared instance are included in the CDI holdings file, regardless of this setting. The configuration only applies to CDI search activation and link target activations for CDI.
- The CDI Consortium inheritance option only works if the CDI export has been set up as described in the section CDI export for Consortia with Multiple SFX Instance and Shared Activations.
CDI Export for Consortia with Multiple SFX Instances and Shared Activations
The CDI export creates the CDI institutional holdings file, which is a compressed tar.gz file that contains the following files:
- holding.xml – This file contains the CDI title-level full text availability status including all books/journals/documents with at least one active portfolio in SFX that includes both local and CKB portfolios.
- db_ids.xml – This file contains DBIDs for active CDI targets (set to full text available in CDI on target level) and any active link target that is set to full text available on target level and have no active portfolios.
- searchable_dbids.xml – This file contains the CDI Search activation and includes the DB ID for each collection activated for discovery in CDI.
For more information about the structure of the institutional holdings file and how it is created for CDI, see Publishing SFX Institutional Holdings to CDI.
For SFX consortia that have the consortia API configured, you can configure each institution's CDI holdings file to include the activations from a consortium's shared or central SFX instance. This document explains how to configure the holdings file to include shared activations for CDI.
Setting Up the CDI Export for Consortia
If data from a shared SFX instance is used by a local SFX instance (SFX Consortium Model 2), you must first export activation information from the shared SFX instance and include its activations in the CDI export file of the local SFX instance.
Keep in mind that the export file from the shared SFX instance needs to be available to the local SFX instance when creating the export in the local instance. If the two instances are not on the same server, the file must be sent by FTP to the local instance server (or be available on the PC on which the export was run if the export was performed using KBManager > Export tool > Advanced export prior to creating the holdings file in the local SFX instance.
In general, there are two types of configurations for consortia:
- Option 1 – inheriting all activations from the shared SFX instance
- Option 2 – only title-level full text availability is inherited from the consortium shared instance. CDI discovery activation and target level full text activation are not be inherited.
Option 1 – Inheriting All Activations from the Shared SFX Instance
This option allows you to inherit all activations, including CDI search activations, from the consortium's shared instance.
- In the shared SFX instance, configure the export of the shared CDI holdings file, which includes all shared activations. Make sure that you select the Use this file as additional holdings file in another instance option. For more details on how to configure the export of the holdings information for your shared SFX instance, see Publishing SFX Institutional Holdings to CDI.
- In your local SFX instance, configure the export of the CDI holdings file to support the inclusion of the activations from the shared instance. Make sure that you configure the following settings in the configuration of the export:
- Select the Use additional export file option.
- Specify the file name of the export file that was created for the shared instance above: cdi_institutional_holding.tar.gz.
For more details on how to configure the export of the holdings information for your local SFX instance, see Publishing SFX Institutional Holdings to CDI.
Option 2 – Inheriting Only Title-Level Full Text Availability from the Shared SFX Instance
This option allows you to inherit only title-level full text availability from the consortium's shared SFX instance.
- In the shared SFX instance, perform the following steps:
- Select the TXT format export option (SFX Admin > Export tool > Advanced export > TXT format export) to export the shared instance's activations to a new text file. Note that you can also use the command line version of the export tool.
- Change the name of the new text file to holding.txt.
- In the same directory as the new text file, create the following empty files:
- holding.xml
- searchable_dbids.xml
- db_ids.xml
- Use the following command to add the four files to a new compressed tar file called cdi_institutional_holding.tar.gz:
tar -zcvf cdi_institutional_holding.tar.gz holding.xml db_ids.xml searchable_dbids.xml holding.txt
- In your local SFX instance, configure the export of the CDI holdings file to support the inclusion of the activations from the shared instance. Make sure that you configure the following settings in the configuration of the export:
- Select the Use additional export file option.
- Specify the file name of the export file that was created for the shared instance above: cdi_institutional_holding.tar.gz.
For more details on how to configure the export of the holdings information for your local SFX instance, see Publishing SFX Institutional Holdings to CDI.