Why are other institutional repositories appearing outside my library's collection in Summon?
- Product: Summon
Why do I see other institutional repositories outside my library's collection?
When a Summon-subscribing library contributes citations from their institutional repository to the Summon Unified Index, the option is available to share these citations with other libraries using Summon. As a result, a user may see institutional repository citations from other Summon libraries when the "Add results beyond your library" facet is applied to a search.
Repository citations will appear as "Citation Online" after results are expanded to include items beyond the collection. It is common that clicking on the citation result may provide full text, because full text rights are only provided to results matching the subscriptions specified in Data Management. To mark the results as full text, go into the Client Center, search for the name of the repository in the e-Catalog (blue bar at the top of the screen), and set the status to "Subscribed."
- Article last edited: 13-Apr-2017