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    Summon: Catalog File Naming Conventions

    • Product: Summon

    How should I name my catalog files?

    Following these naming conventions ensures that your files can be consistently and accurately promoted to the Summon Unified Index.
    • File names should not include any blank spaces or special characters.
    • The file extension should be .mrc or .marc, with the exception of the flat file deletes.
    The overall file name convention should be sourceid-catalog-`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`.marc.
    "sourceid" should be replaced by your library's Summon domain name as listed in the "MyDomain" portion of your Summon URL:
    The `date +%F-%H-%M-%S` notation is a time-date stamp. When a file is generated using this convention, the `date +%F-%H-%M-%S` will be replaced with the full date, hour, minute and second that the file is created.
    Using this convention, a file that is created on January 26th, 2011 at 58 seconds after 1:18PM will have a file name similar to:
    If two files share the same timestamp, the file that we received last will be deleted by the system.
    Full loads of records should be named using this convention:
    sourceid-catalog-full-`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`.marc
    For example: sourceid-catalog-full-2011-01-26-13-18-58.marc
    Multiple full load files should be named using this convention:
    sourceid-catalog-full-`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`_#ofx.marc
    For example: sourceid-catalog-full-2011-01-26-13-18-58_1of5.marc
    For example: sourceid-catalog-full-2011-01-26-13-18-58_2of5.marc
    Daily updates, including batched update and deletion records, should be named using this convention:
    sourceid-catalog-updates-`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`.marc
    For example: sourceid-catalog-updates-2011-01-26-13-18-58.mrc
    For example: sourceid-catalog-updates-2011-01-26-13-18-58.marc

    Deletes should be named using this convention:
    sourceid-catalog-deletes-`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`.marc

    For example: sourceid-catalog-deletes-2011-01-26-13-18-58.mrc
    For example: sourceid-catalog-deletes-2011-01-26-13-18-58.marc
    The word "deletes" must be in the file name.
    If you are sending bibliographic and holdings files separately (i.e. Voyager clients often do this), please add a '_hld' to the files that have holdings records.
    For example: sourceid-catalog-2011-01-26-13-18-58_hld.mrc
    For example: sourceid-catalog-2011-01-26-13-18-58_hld.marc

    • Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
    • Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
    • Old Article Number: 8756