Summon: Submitting a Full Load of Library Catalog
- Product: Summon
What happens when we submit a new, full load of our library's catalog to the Summon MFT?
Since June 2017, we have a new process for you to use to notify us that a new full catalog load is available via the Summon MFT. Instead of submitting a Support Portal case, customers should now submit the notification directly through the Summon Administration Console. The submitted request will automatically create an open ticket for the Content Operations team to process the load.
If you would like to submit mapping changes in conjunction with your new full load, follow the instructions below and also submit a Support Portal case (link available from the More Sites menu above). Please note in your case that you have also submitted a new full load, and we will apply the mapping changes before putting the new full load into the index.
We need to be notified that you have intentionally submitted a new full load since its processing will overwrite what you have in the system. This will avoid inadvertently processing a full load that you did not intend to submit, or had errors in processing.
When opening Support cases with requests regarding your local catalog (such as mapping changes, requests for new full load, questions about updates and deletes, requests for new institutional repository/Libguide, and so forth), please set the Category to Institutional repository/Summon local content.
How do I notify Summon that I have submitted a new full load?
Prerequisite: Publish the full set of records to FULL folder in the Summon MFT.
Log into the Summon Admin Console.
Navigate to Content Ingestion and click on New Full Load Notification.
In the Collection menu, select the source-package identifier for the record set to be loaded.
Enter the number of records to be processed.
Optional: Add file name(s) (for example, sourceid-catalog-full-2017-05-30-13-18-58.marc).
Click the Process Full Load button. The page will refresh with the request Status and a reference number. Full load requests for additional collections will display on separate rows. The records will be indexed as soon as possible, usually within the next 3 weeks.
Continue to send updates and deletes as usual. They will be processed after the new full load has gone live.
If an issue arises during processing, the request Status will be updated with instructions.
The Status will display as Live when the records are available in CDI.
Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
Last Edited Date: 15-June-2017
Old Article Number: 8816