Summon: Create RSS Feeds For Searches
- Product: Summon
How do I set up RSS feeds in searches in Summon?
The Summon service allows users to create RSS feeds based on their search criteria. Used in combination with any standard RSS reader, users can keep up to date on new research or publications relating to their field of inquiry.
RSS button displaying above the search results set in Summon 2.0:
To get the RSS feed for a Summon search, click on the RSS button and your browser should ask you which RSS feed reader you want to use for the Summon RSS subscription.
If your browser does not display a web page that asks you which RSS feed reader you want to use, copy the URL that appears in the browser window (the URL will contain /rss?) and then in your feed reader, click the "add" or "new feed" button and paste the URL into the window provided.
The RSS feature identifies new content based on the date when the content was added to CDI. This means that a Summon RSS feed will not always display recent content; if older content is added to the Index, this content can show up in RSS feeds.
A library has the option to turn OFF the RSS button; see the ON/OFF setting in the General section of the Settings page in the admin console.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 10-Aug-2016
- Old Article Number: 8776