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    Subject Areas

    This section describes each of the subject areas provided with each type of Usage report.

    Summon Action Usage

    Using the Summon Action Usage subject area, you can create reports that help to answer the following types of business questions:
    • How many times did users invoke a certain action in Summon (such as basic versus advanced searches)?
    • On average how many times are specific actions invoked in a single session?
    Summon Action Usage Searches
    The Summon Action Usage subject area contains many fields used to create reports associated with usage. Refer to the following sections for more information on each field.
    Summon Action Usage Fields

    Action Usage

    The Action Usage table is the fact table that stores information about the actions taken by end users in Primo.
    Action Usage
    The following table lists the fields provided by the Action Usage fact table:
    Action Usage Fact Table
    Field Description
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times an action was taken.

    A measurement field that tracks the number of sessions in which an action was taken.

    Sessions are counted only once per action. For example, if the user ran two searches in the same session, the session is counted only once.

    If you total the number of sessions in the Actions table, it will be greater than the number of sessions for the same period in the Sessions table because the same session is counted more than once.

    A measurement field that tracks the number of times an action was taken from a user who was signed-in.
    Not used. All usage, whether signed in or not, is recorded. 
    On Campus
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times an action was taken from a user who was on campus.


    A search attribute field that contains the referrer information (such as Google Scholar, Yahoo, and Summon), which indicates how users are accessing information from Summon.


    A search attribute field that contains the ID of the database that users are accessing.


    A search attribute field that contains the name of the database that users are accessing.


    A search attribute field that contains the name of the database's provider.


    The Dates table is a dimension table that contains different date ranges and formats. The date dimension is used to limit reports to specific date ranges (such as year, month, week, and day).
    Dates Dimension Table

    Action Types

    The Action Types table is a dimension table with several attributes.
    Action Types Dimensions Table
    The following table lists the attributes contained the Action Types dimension table.
    Action Types
    Field Description
    Action Group
    An attribute field that divides actions into groups.
    See Action Groups and Subgroups for list of Actions groups.
    Action Sub Group
    An attribute field that divides actions into subgroups.
    See Action Groups and Subgroups for list of Action subgroups.
    An attribute field for the type of action.
    See Action Attributes by Group for a list of actions.
    A hierarchical attribute field in which actions are organized into groups and subgroups.
    The following table lists the action groups and their associated subgroups.
    Action Groups and Subgroups
    Group Subgroups


    This group utilizes all linking actions under the following subgroups:

    • Link

    • Lateral Linking

    • Title Clicks


    This group includes all actions that utilize the following exploration features:

    • Citation Trail – click a citation trail.

    • Resource Recommender – click a recommended resource.


    This group includes general actions taken and contains the General subgroup.

    Results List

    This group includes all actions taken on the results list and contains the General subgroup.

    This group includes all search related actions and contains the following subgroup:
    • Search – all keyword based searches
    The following table lists the hierarchical attributes of the actions:
    Action Attributes by Group
    Subgroup Action Description
    Local link 01 - 
    Local link 50
    A page accessed via a local link.

    Lateral Linking

    Lateral Linking – Local Field 30 -
    Lateral Linking – Local Field 39
    A search invoked through a lateral link.

    Title Clicks

    Click on title

    A title was clicked in the results.

    Citation Trail

    Display citations from citation trail

    User clicked a citation link in the results.

    Display Cited By from citation trail

    User clicked a cited-by link in the results.

    Resource Recommender

    Click on recommended resource

    User clicked a recommended service in the results.



    Disable personalized results

    User disabled personalized results.

    Enable personalized results

    User enabled personalized results.

    Results List


    Facet filtering

    User clicked a facet to filter results.

    Facet set as persistent - Exclude

    User excluded a facet.

    Facet set as persistent - Include

    User included a facet.

    Advanced search
    A search invoked from the Advanced search box.
    Basic search
    A search invoked from the Basic search box.


    The Institutions table is a dimension table with the following attributes: Institution Code and Institution Name.
    Institutions Dimensions Table

    Summon Facet Usage

    Using the Summon Facet Usage subject area, you can create reports that help to answer the following types of business questions:
    • Which facets are most used?
    • On average how often are facets used in a single session?
    Summon Facet Usage
    The Summon Facet Usage subject area contains many fields used to create reports associated with facet usage. Refer to the following sections for more information on each field.
    Summon Facet Usage Subject Area

    Facet Usage

    The Facet Usage table is the fact table that stores information about the facets selected by end users in Summon.
    Facet Usage
    The following table lists the fields provided by the Facet Usage fact table:
    Facet Usage Fields
    Field Description
    Facets Selected
    This measurement field tracks the number of times an action was taken.
    This measurement field tracks the number of sessions in which an action was taken.
    Sessions are counted only once per action. For example, if the user selected a facet twice in the same session, the session is counted only once.
    If you total the number of sessions in the Facets table, it will be greater than the number of sessions for the same period in the Sessions table because the same session will be counted more than once.
    Facet Value
    An attribute field that stores the specific facet value that users select.
    If this attribute is added to a report, nothing will appear for other facets.


    For more information, see Dates.

    Facet Types

    The Facet Types table is a dimension table with a single attribute: the type of facet.
    Facet Types
    Field Description
    Facet Type
    The facet type. All out-of-the-box and locally defined facets are included.


    For more information, see Institutions.

    Summon Popular Searches

    Using the Summon Popular Searches subject area, you may create reports that help to answer the following types of business questions:
    • Which queries are most popular?
    • Are there any trends in popularity of certain topics over time?
    Summon Popular Searches
    The Summon Popular Searches subject area contains many fields used to create reports associated with popular searches. Refer to the following sections for more information on each field.
    Summon Popular Search Usage

    Popular Searches

    The Popular Searches table is a fact table that stores information about the most popular searches. Popular searches are gathered on a monthly basis. A search is considered popular if it has been performed at least 10 times within a month. Up to 500 popular searches are saved per month. At least 200 searches will be saved even if they are not considered popular. This means that no more than 200 searches will be saved unless there are 200 or more searches with 10 occurrences.
    Popular Searches
    The following table lists the fields provided in the Popular Searches fact table:
    Popular Searches Fields
    Field Description
    A measurement field that stores the number of searches for the query.
    A measurement field that stores the average number of results per search.
    The rank of the search in terms of number of results.
    This field can useful for sorting purposes.
    The number of times an action was taken when the user was signed-in.
    Not used. All usage, whether signed in or not, is recorded. 
    On Campus
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times an action was taken from a user who was on campus.
    Search String
    The user’s query.


    For more information, see Dates.


    For more information, see Institutions.

    Summon Zero Result Searches

    Using the Zero Results Searches subject area, you may create reports that help to answer the following types of business questions:
    • Which kind of queries result in no results?
    • What kind of errors do end users make in queries that cause no results to be found?
    Summon Zero Result Searches
    The Summon Zero Result Searches subject area contains many fields used to create reports associated with searches that return no results. Refer to the following sections for more information on each field.
    Zero Result Searches Subject Area

    Zero Result Searches

    The Zero Result Search table is a fact table that stores information about searches that had zero results.
    Zero Result Searched Subject Area
    The following table lists the fields provided by the Zero Result Searches fact table:
    Zero Results Searches Fields
    Field Description
    The number of searches for the query.
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times a signed-in user performed a search and received no results.
    Not used. All usage, whether signed in or not, is recorded. 
    On Campus
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times an action was taken from a user who was on campus.
    This field is available with the November 2015 release.
    Search String
    An attribute field that stores the search string that returned no results.
    Field Searched
    An attribute field that stores the field being searched. This is relevant if the user performed a search on a specific field (such as authors only).
    Search Origin
    A search attribute field that indicates the the origin of the search.


    For more information, see Dates.


    For more information, see Institutions.

    Summon Sessions

    Using the Summon Sessions subject area, you can create reports that help to answer the following types of business questions:
    • How many sessions are opened in a given time period?
    • On average how many actions are taken within a session?
    • In which countries are users located when they open a session?
    Summon Sessions Usage
    The Summon Sessions subject area contains many fields used to create reports associated with Primo sessions. Refer to the following sections for more information on each field.
    Summon Sessions Subject Area


    The Sessions table is the fact table that stores information about sessions.
    Sessions Table
    The Sessions fact table has four measurement fields and one attribute fields:
    Sessions Fields
    Field Description
    The number of sessions.
    Session Duration
    The average session duration, which is counted from the first action to the last action within a session.
    The number of actions within sessions.
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times a user signed in within a session.
    Not used. All usage, whether signed in or not, is recorded. 
    On Campus
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times an action was taken from a user who was on campus (which is determined by the IP ranges configured for the Primo institution).
    This field is available with the November 2015 release.


    For more information, see Dates.

    User Country Location

    The User Country Location is a dimension table for information about the location of end-users when they start sessions.
    Zero Result Searches Subject Area
    The User Country Location dimension has the following attributes:
    User Country Location Fields
    Field Description
    The country name, which is based on the end user’s IP.
    Country Code
    The country code, which is based on the ISO 3166-1 standard.
    The latitude of the country.
    The longitude of the country.


    For more information, see Institutions.

    Summon Device Usage

    Using the Summon Device Usage subject area, you can create reports that show the number of actions and sessions that are processed for each device type (including the operating system and browser type). For example:
    Summon Devices Usage
    The Summon Device Usage subject area contains many fields used to create reports associated with device usage. Refer to the following sections for more information on each field.
    Summon Device Usage Subject Area

    Device Usage

    The Device Usage table is the fact table that stores information about device usage.
    Device Usage Table
    The Device Usage fact table has two measurement fields and several attribute fields:
    Device Usage Fields
    Field Description
    The number of times in which a type of device was used.
    The number of actions for a device type.
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times a user signed in when using a type of device.
    Not used. All usage, whether signed in or not, is recorded. 
    On Campus
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times a user was on campus when using a type of device.
    Browser Type
    An attribute field that stores the type of browser.
    An attribute field that stores the type of device.
    Operating System
    An attribute field that stores the type of operating system. It allows you to merge different versions of the same operating system into a single value.


    For more information, see Dates.


    For more information, see Institutions.

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