UStat SUSHI returns a "service unavailable" - how to fix this?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: UStat
What happens when UStat's cheduled request for COUNTER data via SUSHI from a particular vendor, and the vendor's interface is down or unavailable?
Does UStat continue to periodically make that same request until that data set is received?
Or, does UStat wait until the following month to make requests for the missing data?
When a particular vendor is unavailable for harvesting, UStat will attempt to re-harvest the data of that specific month in the next monthly attempt. Each vendor has a designated day of the month scheduled for harvesting.
However, if harvesting failed, it is possible to trigger re-harvest ad-hoc:
1. Connect to UStat with the Administrator login
2. Select: Administration > Usage Administration
3. Select: SUSHI Harvest History
4. Filter to find the Vendor for which issues are experienced
5. "Edit" this vendor > Save
6. This should trigger re-harvesting
Additional Information
If the above steps don't cause reharvest, or other issues exist, please contact Ex Libris Support.
Category: Usage Statistics Service
Subject: SUSHI
- Article last edited: 11/18/2014