Changes in code tables are valid only after you log off and log on once again.
- Article Type: General
- Product: Verde
- Product Version: 2
When changes are performed in the code tables of the Admin module, the new data is displayed only after the user logs off and logs on to the system again.
Example scenario:
1. Open any e-product.
2. Go to the Acquisitions tab and open a new acquisition.
3. Observe that the first option in the acquisition’s Status drop-down list is New.
4. Go to Admin > Code Tables.
5. Choose any acquisition’s status and change New to some other value.
6. Open any e-product.
7. Go to the Acquisitions tab and open a new acquisition.
8. Observe that the first option in the acquisition’s Status drop-down list is still New.
9. Log off and log on again.
10. Open any e-product.
11. Go to the Acquisitions tab and open a new acquisition.
12. Observe that the first option in the acquisition’s Status drop-down list now displays the changed label
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013