Deleting local fields
- Article Type: General
- Product: Verde
- Product Version: 2
In case a user asks to delete a local field, the system will not allow completing the step in the following cases:
1- If the local field is populated with data in any e-product's attribute – In this case the system should alert that the field is in use and give the user the possibility to delete it anyway.
2- If a local e-product that contained this field was deleted, the local field is not removed from the DB and the system doesn't allow to delete this local field because it's allegedly in use – an implementation script that will delete all local fields from the DB for such records should be developed.
3- If the field was used in any report (in the past or in a scheduled report) – The system should allow deleting the field in case it was used in a report that was run once in the past and alert in case it is in use in reports that are scheduled for the future (but still give the possibility to delete it if the user wants).
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013