Loading date fields via loaders
- Article Type: General
- Product: Verde
- Product Version: 2
When using a loader to fill in date fields, the system doesn't alert of any problem when the data for this field is corrupted. For example, in case the user forgets to use slashes (/) in the input file, the system does not reject the row but loads an unreasonable date instead. For example, in case the user wants to load the date 4/8/2009 in the ' Check performed on' field of an Access record and by mistake he fills the input file with 04082009, the date that will be loaded is 27-Feb-13076.
The system should check the date format in the input file and notify the user of the problem in case it is clear that the value is not valid (e.g. when no '/' are entered).
From issue resolution:
Resolved in the July Service Pack (by rep change 656) and the required documentation was updated.[1/10/2010 9:00:55 AM Zvi Finkin]
Final Status: Closed [1/10/2010 9:01:04 AM Zvi Finkin]
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013