Managed locally does not display in summary attribute of consortiums
- Article Type: General
- Product: Verde
- Product Version: 2
Brief summary 'consortial purchase' field shows "Managed for all" even if a resource is "Managed locally" for the e-resource in the local instance of the consortium. After toggling from the center back to the member, the 'Consortial purchase' field incorrectly says "Managed for all".
1. Login to a local instance of the consortium
3. Retrieve e-product that is "Managed locally" in the local instance and "Managed for all" in the central instance
4. Check "Consorital purchase" field display in the brief summary - "Managed locally" is displayed there
5. Using right click display the e-product in the central instance (in the brief summary area)
6. Observe that "Managed for all" value is displayed in "Consortial purchase" field in the e-product summary on the Central instance
7. Switch back to the local instance using right click in the brief summary area
8. Check "Consorital purchase" field display - "Managed for all" is displayed in the e-product summary on the local instance instead of "Managed locally"
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013