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    Cataloging: Managing Tag Tables in Voyager

    Created By: Edie Dixon
    Created on: 4/16/2019

    [This article was copied from the Voyager Wiki.]

    This is a Word document that explains how to add and edit the voyager tag tables, that are used in Voyager cataloging (version 2001.2.1)  It specifically addresses bibliographic tags, but could be used to do authority and holdings tags as well.

    Tag Table Editing

    In order to get the cataloging client to recognize these tags, you need to do a couple of things.  The first is to define them in a file called master.cfg

    This file generally lives here:


    (if you are an OCLC user)

    You should be able to find it on your hard drive, in any case, by doing a search for a file in the Search menu that's on your Start menu.

    Once you locate that file (master.cfg), you need to open it up so you can edit it (make sure that the file is NOT read-only!).  Notepad or Wordpad are good applications to use to open a .cfg file.

    OK -- once you open it, you'll see a big long list of numbers -- those are really the MARC tags.

    So -- find the section of the master.cfg file that's for Bibliographic stuff (as opposed to authority or holdings).  You can do a FIND in this file for this phrase: [Bibliographic Fields]

    You'll see that the section starts something like this:

    0=000 0
    1=001 0
    2=003 0
    3=005 0
    4=006 1
    5=007 1
    6=008 0
    7=010 0
    8=012 0
    9=013 1
    10=015 1
    11=016 1
    12=017 1
    13=018 0
    14=019 1
    15=020 1
    16=022 1
    17=024 1
    18=025 1
    19=027 1
    20=028 1
    21=029 1
    22=030 1

    Each line is numbered, then there is an = sign, then there is the tag number, then a space, then a number, either a 0 or a 1

    so -- in the above section, line 18=025 1 means there is a valid tag, called 025 and it is repeatable (that's the 1 part -- a 0 means the tag is not repeatable.

    So -- you have this big long list.  Now you need to see if the tag you want to validate is in the list.  So -- look for each of your tags.  If they're there, then you can go to step 2.  If they are not there, you need to add them.  You can add them to the very end of this list -- that is, tags don't need to be in order here, though it makes it easier to find them if they are, but it also means that if you insert, say, the 049, then you need to edit all the rest of the lines -- not fun -- so add your tag to the end of this list.

    After this big long list, you'll see something like this:

    Field001=Control Number
    Field003=Control Number Identifier
    Field005=Date And Time Of Latest Transaction
    Field006=Linking Field
    Field007=Physical Description Fixed Field - General Information
    Field008=Fixed-Length Data Elements
    Field010=Library of Congress Control Number
    Field012=Terminal display-LC and NLC use only
    Field013=Patent Control Information
    Field015=National Bibliography Number

    This part is what displays in the cataloging client when you either do an F2 to look up the fields or will appear at the bottom left when your cursor is in that field.  You'll need to add some text for your 049 in here.

    SAVE the file, then exit.

    NOW you need to go to step 2.

    You'll see, in the same directory as you found master.cfg that there are a bunch of files like this:


    The ones that start Bmarc... are the bibliographic ones.  The ones that start Amarc... are the authority ones and the ones that start Hmarc... are the Holdings ones.  You want the Bmarc ones.

    Bmarc0xx.cfg contains information for all the tags from 010 through 099
    Bmarc1xx.cfg contains information for all the tags from 100 through 199
    Bmarc2xx.cfg contains information for all the tags from 200 through 299

    you get the picture.

    For your 049 tag, then, you need to open the file Bmarc0xx.cfg

    Then you need to look for a stanza called [049] and [049Ind1] and [049Ind2]   The first one defines the subfields that are permitted in the 049 tag.  The other two are for indicators 1 and indicators 2 for the 049.

    the [049] stanza (that's what they are called) might look like this:

    0=a 1A
    1=c 1A
    2=d 1A
    3=l 1A
    4=m 1A
    5=n 0A

    Again --- we have lines for each thing (they always start with 0 because programmers created this way of doing things and it's in their nature to start with 0).

    so 0=a 1A   means that subfield a is valid, it's repeatable, and the A part is an old encoding that OCLC uses -- the only letter here that's important is if it is an M (mandatory)

    Then below all these subfield definitions, you 'll see this:

    Subfa=Local library code
    Subfc=Copy statement
    Subfd=Definition of bib. subdivisions
    Subfl=Local processing data
    Subfm=Missing elements
    Subfn=Notes about holdings

    This is the text that shows up in cataloging when you do a F2 to look at the subfields that are available.

    If you don't find them, you need to add them.  Ours are very liberal, but you are welcome to copy and paste this set in -- insert it in the correct numeric order, though, because you'll want to be able to find it in the right place later.

    0=a 1A
    1=c 1A
    2=d 1A
    3=l 1A
    4=m 1A
    5=n 0A
    6=o 1A
    7=p 1A
    8=q 1A
    9=r 1A
    10=s 1A
    11=t 1A
    12=u 1A
    13=v 1A
    14=y 0A
    Subfa=Local library code
    Subfc=Copy statement
    Subfd=Definition of bib. subdivisions
    Subfl=Local processing data
    Subfm=Missing elements
    Subfn=Notes about holdings
    Subfo=Local processing data
    Subfp=Secondary bibliographic subdivision
    Subfq=Third bibliographic subdivision
    Subfr=Fourth bibliographic subdivision
    Subfs=Fifth bibliographic subdivision
    Subft=Sixth bibliographic subdivision
    Subfu=Seventh bibliographic subdivision
    Subfv=Primary bibliographic subdivision
    Subfy=Inclusive dates of publication or coverage

    Value0=Print data from subfield a only
    Value1=Locally defined
    Value2=Locally defined

    Value0=Holdings information complete
    Value1=Locally defined

    Save the file.  But don't exit, because your 092 needs to be inserted, too!  Look for it in the same way you looked for the 049.

    Now, save again and exit.

    To do the 994 one, you'll need Bmarc9xx.cfg   Our stanza looks like this:

    0=a 0A
    1=b 0A
    Subfa=Transaction code
    Subfb=Institution symbol



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