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- Answers as provided by our product analysts, to commonly raised questions.
- "An Error occurred while saving the Line item changes" when edit Approved
- "Bad E-Mail Addresses" pop-up when attempting to send email notices using Voyager Reporter
- "Cannot connect to specified email server" when log into Reporter
- "Cannot delete Order Active Components" when attempt to delete PO
- "Cannot delete Order Active Marks" when attempt to delete PO
- "Could not connect to server" when SSH or FTP after move to new Data Center
- "Could not reorder fields" when using https/SSL with your OPAC
- "Could not retrieve field order configurations" when open Cataloging after upgrade to 9.2.0
- "Error parsing date" in Primo extract log
- "Failed to connect to server (SendRequest)" when logging into Cataloging after upgrade to 10.1.0
- "Failed to retrieve preview records" in client preview and "Duplicate declaration for variable" in jobd.log
- "FPC Admin" option missing from webadmin (Voyager Server Utilities) menu
- "INVALID RECORD DATA! It must contain Patron Group 1!Record written to exception file"
- "Library Has" holdings fields display twice in Tomcat
- "Location code not selected. Location ID defaults to 0" when run catjob 13
- "No matches were found for this search" in Cataloging when search partial known title
- "One or more components can not be edited because their line item copies have been deleted" when open serials check-in record
- "ORA-01012: not logged on" in log.voyager when logging level set to THEWORKS
- "Outstanding Fines" inaccessible when "Restrict Record View" checked regardless of restricted patron groups
- "Path/File access error" and "Error 75 was generated by Cataloging" errors in Voyager Cataloging
- "Retain hierarchy selections" in record hierarchy not retained if window closed
- "RTE: 13 Type Mismatch" when loading an offline circulation capture file with the scenario of patron having 2 identical active patron barcodes in different patron groups
- "Run-time error '5': Invalid Procedure call or argument" when working on large POs in Acquisitions
- "Run-time error 380: Invalid Property Value" or "Automation error" when attempting to use Voyager client
- "Search results were truncated" text cannot be changed
- "Select Holdings Template" box opens every time operator tries to create new MFHD
- "Temporarily shelved at" does not appear in WebVoyage when the item's permanent and temporary locations are the same
- "This location cannot be deleted because it is being used in a renew transactions archive record" when try to delete location in SysAdmin
- "This location cannot be deleted while it belongs to an acquisitions policy group" when try to delete location in SysAdmin
- "Too many duplicates found for an index" warning received in Voyager Bulk Import
- "Unable to connect to localhost" error when attempt to place Hold in WebVoyage
- "Unable to update record" when Save to DB on work record via Cataloging client
- "Unable to update this record" error in Voyager when MARC 336, 337 or 338 subfield b is too short
- "Update previously loaded MFHDS and/or items" doesn't update 852 indicator 1
- 'A database error occurred. Unable to find patron name' error when searching for patron in Voyager Circulation
- 'A database error occurred while attempting to store request' error when placing call slip request in Voyager Circulation
- 'ORA-01455: converting column overflows integer datatype' when running Pfpc save
- 'Parameter error: fpc restore can only restore files in /m1/voyager/yyydb/dump on localhost' error when attempt FPC restore
- 'Valid circulation calendar not found' error when attempt charge or renewal of items
- -b parameter in PpatronExpX triggers outofbounds java error
- 100 character comment limit not enforced via OPAC
- 654H LAN index has invalid subfield
- 852 First Indicator is not set using Multiple MFHD Bulk Import Profiles
- Able to change Type on Approved PO
- Able to create a new component and check in on a completed PO
- Able to overwrite existing location code/name
- Acceptable codes for MARC indicator fields in Voyager displaycfg and displayHoldings XML files
- Accept and Quick Check-in Buttons Inactive When Trying to Check In Issue
- Access fails to add external data source: "ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor"
- Accidentally deleted PO after BulkImport - what now?
- ACQ:"Received Issue: ...previously marked or claimed."
- ACQ:approved invoices have mismatch b/w Amt and Tot Inv Amt
- ACQ:can't save twice on initial item create; get RTE 91, 97
- ACQ:complex pattern can't be created w/o one level of enumeration
- acq:decimal places to 4 adds incorrectly w/values greater than 210,000
- ACQ:for view only maintenance button greyed in check-in and history
- acq:inv line items only link to most recent ledger for first line item's fund
- Acq:Line Item: Marked as Return, then tried to Receive, still Returned
- ACQ:line item search within purchase order does not find matches
- ACQ:only last item created thru Acq relinks to new mfhd
- ACQ:Route Serial Issue/Edit Routing List:Run time error 381 if no Patron
- ACQ:run time error 9/13 when delete publication pattern
- ACQ:Search Data on Invoice Disappears
- ACQ:Serials History:Generate Claim button active for library-defined Mark Reason
- ACQ:some patterns do not collapse correctly
- ACQ:Titles list, hover over MARC button "Clear All Selections"
- ACQ:Title search for component w/ > 45 characters gets run time error 65099
- acq:wrong ledger being applied on invoices
- ACQ: "Entered invoice amount does not match computed invoice total."
- ACQ: "Receive items" for EDI not recorded in database
- ACQ: Able to save a Vendor record without an Address
- ACQ: An error occurred while saving
- ACQ: Cannot save Serials Check-in note when more than one looks at note
- ACQ: Can ISBN in Line Item be Updated?
- Acq: can not use ".." to go to PO, etc in subscription maintenance
- ACQ: Can save Invoice with blank Invoice Number field
- ACQ: Edit approved line item, extended allocation, results in RTE 9
- ACQ: Edit Approved results in RTEs, inaccurate error
- ACQ: item.create_date not populated for items created by Serials Check-In
- Acq: item record pop up on create only works if checked for serials
- ACQ: Item record tries to close when adding barcode?
- ACQ: Ledger window cannot be resized
- ACQ: line item remains in list after add to invoice
- ACQ: Open Orders Report contains Received Complete / Invoiced items
- ACQ: Open two sessions on PC?
- ACQ: operator without permissions can override overcommits through Edit Approved
- ACQ: Overcommit Warning Override and Approve option not working
- ACQ: Price does not appear on line items for PO created with Bulk import
- ACQ: RTEs when saving new item in Bindery Maintenance
- ACQ: RTE 9 when copy vendor code then click to Other Charges
- ACQ: Search by Approve Date returns Pending purchase orders in results
- acq: search for edi messages by outgoing gives incoming messsages
- Acq: Shortcuts to open Bindery Maintenance not working
- ACQ: unable to approve invoice if extended allocation on PO not cleanly divided
- ACQ: Unable to check in some titles after hitting 'next' button
- Acq: unable to edit approved line item with multiple copies
- ACQ: Users are able to unreceive line items on completed Purchase Orders
- ACQ: vendor_id set to 0 message if vendor code not validated
- ACQ: wrong fund displays and saving can result in data corruption
- ACQ/CAT: PO Line Item BIB Not Linked to MFHD after Re-Link MFHD in Cat
- ACQ/CAT: Unable to relink bib linked to mfhd if another mfhd for bib linked to PO
- ACQ/EDI:EAN only sent if prefaced with 978/979
- ACQ/EDI:free text segment adds brackets, 1: to Notes tab
- ACQ/FPC:copy rollover status report inaccurate at PO/line item levels
- ACQ/FPC: When are hosted customers' backups run?
- Acqjob/FPC: Orders with multiple Invoices attached added to Open Orders report
- Acqrprts.mdb P_Order-P date format not editable in Access 2010
- Acquisitions RTE 440 when editing fund on an approved Purchase Order
- Acquisition affecting displayHoldings displays in OPAC
- ACQ/WebV: Unreceive issue prevents issue display for all copies
- ACQ : Run-time error 5 when creating new vendor addresses
- ACQ treats issue as entire entity; doesn't allow copy-level maintenance
- Active barcode not found if duplicates of expired barcode number
- Adding additional persistent links to the OPAC
- Adding a new item does not generate a ranked hold
- Adding a static hyperlink to Voyager email notices
- Adding a widget to the search box
- Adding filter to large data sets in Voyager Advanced and Builder searches returns fewer results than expected or no results
- Adding line item to purchase order, get error "Unable to add record"
- Adding MARC field in Voyager Global Data Change places new field at the end of the record
- Addressing CVE-2020-1938 Tomcat vulnerability for Voyager Environments
- Addressing Linked Purchase Orders when Deleting Bibliographic Records in Voyager
- Add "Pick up at" Field on Call Slip Request Form
- Add additional copies of line item to pending invoice
- Add an IP Address to Access Ex Libris Products Through Hosted Server Firewall
- Add a field to Voyager OPAC search results
- Add a New Location to Voyager
- Add a new patron record in Voyager Circulation
- Add bib_id when exporting records?
- Add date field to Course Reserve tab?
- Add item location: "Unauthorized or invalid location in subfield 'b' of 852"
- Add keyword search index to the Voyager WebVoyage Advanced Search
- Add Line (Bib Import) for purchase order suppresses bib
- Add MARC Field appends new fields to end of record, regardless of tag
- Add MFHD keyword search to WebVoyage Basic Search
- Add new field to Reporter .mdb file?
- Add new footer tab with a static link that opens a new browser Window in Voyager WebVoyage Tomcat OPAC
- Add New ILS Location to Primo Library Codes
- Add new operator & allow access to modules?
- Add new search index to Basic Search
- Add or change pickup location
- Add the Subfield J to the Main Entry-Personal Name field in the Voyager Webvoyage Title List
- Adjust reasons don't display consistently
- Adjust the information on 'Database: My Library Catalog' in Tomcat WebVoyage
- Advanced searches on custom keyword indexes not saved
- Advanced Search fails in Voyager WebVoyage when starting list of search terms with Boolean operator: AND, OR, NOT
- Advanced search funky when user types AND into search field
- Advanced Search wording truncated on Voyager WebVoyage search results and saved search displays for some search indexes
- Advice on contingency planning for Voyager services in case of campus shutdown and/or changes for telecommuting
- After adding 856 field, subfield u incorrectly displays in OPAC
- After BulkImport, records display "No holdings available" in OPAC
- After migration to new server hardware the OPAC is not redirecting properly to its new URL
- After migration to new server hardware unable to access Voyager clients or the OPAC
- After upgrade, read-only user cannot find table in Oracle.
- After upgrading from 7.x to 8.2.x, Primo Extract fails
- Alternatives to BLOB queries in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- ana:prompting does not work in Query Studio for Cataloging package
- ANA:RQP-DEF-0103 Cross joins are not permitted for the user
- ANA: Cross Join Error when use ELink Query Subject
- ANA: Cross Join Error when use query subject Item Barcode
- ANA: Error message when running as any format other than HTML
- Ana: MFHD Update Date filter does not provide date range in Query Studio
- ANA: Missing values filter for ISBN/ISSN
- ANA: New 8.2.0 Patron fields missing
- ANA: only one item status displays
- ANA: Reports using Title_Details return no data if BIB_FORMAT_DISPLAY is empty
- ANA: total incorrect if there are multiple mfhds and bib title is in report
- ANA: Type in Values does not work with Cataloging Package MFHD Location filters
- ANA: Unable to filter by Bib Medium
- ANA: Unable to Launch Report Studio after uprading to Voyager 8.x
- Analyzer: Query Studio filter: bib format values repeat
- Analyzer Data Source Failed Error
- Analyzer Report Studio 8.X in Firefox gives "404 - Not Found"
- Any special configuration requirements for changing to private IP space?
- Archiving Voyager Record Deletion Files
- Are accidentally deleted Voyager bulk import rules or duplicate detection profiles recoverable?
- Are certain receipt printers recommended for use with Voyager?
- Are certain self-check vendors recommended for use with Voyager?
- Are command line installs available for Voy 8?
- Are deleted bibs, mfhds, items archived?
- Are item.modify_date, item.modify_operator, and item.modify_location updated when the item status and item note are edited in Circulation?
- Are MARC records read-only during regens?
- Are records in BIB_HISTORY and MFHD_HISTORY tables retained after a BIB or MFHD is deleted?
- Are there any printer requirements for Voyager?
- Are there options to limit the data that is migrated from Voyager to Alma?
- Are there separate Oracle ODBC drivers for Windows O.S. 32-bit and 64-bit?
- Are there separate Voyager Oracle ODBC drivers for Access 32-bit and Access 64-bit?
- Are Virtual HyperV and Linux Containers environments supported?
- ARS/WEBV: Request form displays for all patron groups
- ARS remote storage request displayed in item status field in OPAC
- Attempting most functions in GDC produce Error "Failed to..."
- Attempt to access patron record in Circ results in database error message
- Attempt to delete item, "Unable to delete. Item has an outstanding fine/fee."
- AuthenticatePatron service fails with XServiceException
- Authority record not found when do a headings search, why?
- Auto-populated fields for authority records from 8xx fields missing NUC
- AutoUpdate Does Not Change Windows Version Information
- AutoUpdate to 9.1.0 results in run-time error 53 : File not found
- Avoid huge Publishing extract after HEADINGS regen
- A brief overview of options for on-shelf holds in Voyager
- Back date the "Start Date" of a Voyager Circulation Calendar
- Barcodes orphaned for proxy and sponsor patrons
- Barcode alignment is inconsistent in hierarchy display
- Barcoding serials causes premature close if barcode entered with scanner
- Basic EDI Overview
- Basic information on running the Voyager clients on a hosted server from off-campus
- Basic information on the OCLC control number
- Basic overview of catalog record batch deletion and suppression in Voyager
- Basic steps for setting up a new Branch Library in Voyager
- Basic steps in the Voyager WebAdmin operation flow
- Basic workflow for Global Headings Change?
- BatchCat 8.2 does not return expected error code 41 when the date/time stamps do not match
- Batch Suppress Bib Records
- Bi-Directional Merge with fixed fields?
- BI:w/some files, bulkimport dies with memory corruption error
- Bibs with many holdings not fully displaying record in WebVoyage
- Bib history changed when using Voyager Global Data Change to modify holdings
- BIB_INDEX.NORMAL_HEADING truncated to 61 characters for some indexes
- Bib_text.title has incorrect 0x1F
- BIB_TEXT has no imprint data for RDA records
- Blank patron barcodes result in invalid XML on export, errors on import
- Blank record display in WebVoyage when charged to status patron
- Block display of Personal Information in Voyager OPAC
- Booleans don't work after a certain number of search terms
- Brief overview of how Voyager constructs responses to an external Z39.50 query
- Brief overview of making simple changes to queries in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Brief Overview of Query Views in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Brief Overview of Reading Queries in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Brief overview of record relationships in Voyager cataloging
- Brief overview of Running Queries in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Brief overview of string functions in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Brief Overview of Tables in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Brief overview of the UTF8to16() function in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Brief overview of using the "BLOB" (the full MARC records) in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Brief overview of Voyager call number searches
- Brief overview of Voyager cataloging templates
- Brief overview of Voyager historical browse data
- Brief overview of Voyager/Primo integration data sources
- Browse discharge fails if performed by 10-char operator_id with event logging enabled
- Browse not available for all indexes in Cataloging
- BULK: -m discards mfhd if bib is discarded
- BULK: 852 First Indicator is not set for MFHD's created using Multiple MFHD Bulk Import Profiles
- BULK: Bad data in first record of imported file prevents creation of PO
- BULK: Barcodes added to incorrect item records
- BULK: Bi-Directional merge fails on Linux
- BULK: Blanks in Order tab result in import failure
- BULK: BulkImport load stops on 856 fields
- BULK: Call number from previous bib added to next bib's mfhd
- BULK: Cat Location (-l) not written to bib/mfhd/item history
- BULK: Coredump when copy long 866 from bib to mfhd
- BULK: coredump with Replace duplicate handling and large record files
- BULK: Failed to add mfhd record to database -- invalid location.
- How does "Allow Multiple Instance of Bulkimport?" work with multiple dbs?
- BULK: Import stops when call number error
- BULK: Location mapped by BulkImport incorrect on Replace
- BULK: MFHD not creating with long 852
- BULK: Multiple bulk imports allowed regardless of -M
- BULK: Multiple MFHD rule cannot match 10-char fund code
- BULK: Number of copies per line item not used for multi-item import
- BULK: only first fund code used when importing multi items
- BULK: PID mismatch on log file
- BULK: POs with Funds that allow Over Commit cannot be approved on import
- BULK: Subfield override not finding match when matching fields in records
- BULK: Update existing MFHDs not always matching for multiple copies
- BULK: using -m when bib fails hierarchy, mfhd not imported
- BULK: Wrong call number sometimes pulled with multiple hierarchies
- BULK: Non-Unicode records containing Greek characters fail to load.
- BULK/EOD:Single MFHD:"Missing main field type configuration for creating MFHD"
- BULKIMPORT:entire file of records error when only some should error
- BULKIMPORT: creating MFHDs when bib discarded
- Bulkimport: multiple mfhd load stops with "malloc(): memory corruption"
- BulkImport doesn't run, shows syntax error at command line
- BulkImport fails to delete bib records
- BulkImport log contains "ERROR: Record do not match format ..."
- BulkImport of Non-Unicode records containing Greek characters fails.
- BulkImport only deletes first holdings record
- BulkImport output "Authority record has status of 'D', 'S' or 'X', written to delete file." for authority records
- BulkImport stops when encountering unparseable record
- BULK : Dummy mapping not accepted for Multi Mfhds
- Bulk Export via WebAdmin fails with "Failure opening input file"
- Bulk Imports from WebAdmin result in incorrectly named log files
- Bulk import fails with coredump, 'mgvMemoryAlloc' errors
- Bulk Import ignores cutter subfield when the sub-fields for call number and cutter number are not adjacent
- Bulk Import is not creating a new MFHD for a bib that already exists
- Bulk import job runs multiple times creating duplicates
- Bulk import via Webadmin fails, no log file generated
- BULK: Records are not keyword indexed
- Bursar:individual refund information transferred in patron mode
- BURSAR: Sometimes patron fine/fee do not update
- Bursar Credits transferred for patron group and/or location not specified
- Bursar refunds do not transfer if bib/mfhd/item deleted
- Bursar transfers fines for patrons without an IID or SSAN
- Bypassing the Tomcat WebVoyage Landing Page
- Calendar closed dates are not factored into due date
- CALL:auto-truncation on, duplicates in Titles List for highest mfhd_id
- Callslip continuously sends pages to receipt printer when F409 is included
- CallSlip continuously sends pages to the printer when a single word is longer than a line
- CALL : if 2 words and 1-3 digits, will take you to incorrect place in index
- CALL browse with multiple words opens index after search string
- Call numbers show multiple times in browse list
- Voyager Call Number Browse and Search in OPAC displays multiple rows for multiple MFHDs for same Call Number
- Call Number Browse search results sort order in Voyager WebVoyage OPAC for call numbers of type "Other"
- Call number not updated with "Update Previously Loaded" profile when call number not in main tag
- Call number order for Gov Docs incorrect in Browse Titles Index
- Call number prefixes do not display
- Call Number redirect adds additional browse modifier to search code and encodes the URL encoding
- Call number search: incorrect entry if one entry in Browse Titles List
- Call number should be indexed as Other but indexed as Dewey
- Call Slip messages in Tomcat OPAC display as callslipmsg.YYY
- Call Slip requests write to call_slip table with -1 as patron_db_id value
- Call slip request prevents deletion of bib record.
- Call to Voyager VXWS web service results in "Voyager VXWS URL Not Found"
- Can't access XML over HTTP services
- Can't add an operator to the Selected Operators in a Voyager Circulation Profile
- Can't cancel PO: "This purchase order contains serials and cannot be canceled."
- Can't enter p.m. when backdating discharge time.
- Can't find Voyager EDI invoice files from server in Acquisitions
- Can't retrieve records with limits; serial not retrieved via JALL or JKEY
- Can't Start Preview 9 Server After Install
- Cancelled Call Slip Requests do not move to archive
- Cancel line item, receive "Failed to Generate Cancellation(s)!" error
- Cannot add location to circ policy definition
- Cannot charge items to patron group in Circulation
- Cannot discharge in Circulation; space quota issues
- Cannot discharge item, valid calendar not found
- Cannot discharge item; data stuck in UB_ROUTING table
- Cannot edit conditions created in previous versions in GDC
- Cannot edit exception date in old calendar after changing to current calendar
- Cannot edit funds on PO and cancel
- Cannot limit ledger access by Acq Security Profile
- Cannot open GHCQ when large number of heading changes in queue
- Cannot relink mfhd if linked to same bib as mfhd linked to PO
- Cannot save Record Sets or Rules in GDC
- Cannot search for and add line items to invoice if PO number contains tab character
- Can "Cash" payment type for fines/fees in Circulation be deleted?
- Can Acquisitions routing lists be configured differently?
- Can additional indexes be configured for use with field definitions in bibliographic duplicate detection profiles?
- Can additional information be added to Circulation print-outs configured in circ.ini
- Can an incoming EDI file be reprocessed?
- Can an item be renewed online on its due date?
- Can an operator circulate an item not in a Circulation security profile?
- Can AutoUpdate be customized?
- Can available # of call slips be removed from OPAC request screen?
- Can a closed SalesForce case be re-opened?
- Can a line item's fund/ledger info be updated if that fiscal year has already expired?
- Can a Voyager item record have multiple active barcodes
- Can Call slips be blocked based on Temporary Location?
- Can Classic OPAC and Tomcat run at the same time?
- Can Courtesy Notice apply to one patron group and one item type?
- Can deleted purchase orders and invoices be accessed?
- Can delete EDI files from incoming and outgoing directories after load?
- Can Due Date Slips be emailed instead of printed in Voyager?
- Can ExLibris provide a SSL httpd config sample?
- Can fines and fees notices be sent 30 days after fine is incurred?
- Can FPC-related reports be generated manually?
- Can fund category be changed?
- Can GKEY be first index in Advanced search?
- Can Heading Types Filters related to the MFHD Call Number search in Voyager Cataloging be customized?
- Can info from patron.purge.historicalfines be restored?
- Can info in fund description on voucher be changed?
- Can issues be checked in if the associated line item uses expired funds/ledgers?
- Can items be batch discharged?
- Can items with fines/fees be batch deleted by barcode?
- Can item browse counters be reset?
- Can Voyager item records be resequenced by Ex Libris?
- Can I access ShelfLister files via Voyager WebAdmin?
- Can I back out GDC changes to mfhds with attachments?
- Can I bulk charge a file with a list of barcodes to a patron in Voyager?
- Can I create a composite left-anchored index with 022 l and m subfields?
- Can I create new, unique item statuses?
- Can I delete bibs by importing records with delete in leader byte 05?
- Can I exclude suppressed mfhds in MarcExport?
- Can I expire a Voyager Operator Profile so that it is not deleted but is unable to be used in the future?
- Can I export to EndNote in RIS format?
- Can I place Field Codes from the MFHD or Item record fields in the spinelabel.cfg Bibliographic template?
- Can I purge patron circulation info without affecting circulation statistics?
- Can I remove lines from due dates slips via the circ.ini?
- Can I restrict item circulation based on price?
- Can I retain circulation session preferences between sessions?
- Can I undo or reverse a Bursar transfer?
- Can I use port 7098 to install Local OPAC Preview Server?
- Can ledgers be deleted?
- Can line item be deleted from Approved purchase order?
- Can locations be changed for line items on Approved purchase orders?
- Can location code in SysAdmin be changed?
- Can lost item fees be automatically waived at discharge?
- Can Lost Item Processing Fees be assigned by item type?
- Can MarcExport include some item data?
- Can MARC fields be excluded from the GKEY index search results?
- Can migration from Voyager create only items and ignore all ‘issues’?
- Can multiple addresses be updated with patron update?
- Can omit elements that are not required from Voyager patron XML import file
- Can one SMS Proxy serve entire consortium?
- Can other modules besides Acquisitions be in use during FPC?
- Can overdue and courtesy notice intervals be set to hours or minutes?
- Can patron barcode be added to overdue notices?
- Can Patron Update be used to blank out Title field in patron record?
- Can PHP be used with the WebVoyage OPAC?
- Can Pick and Scan be used to remove In Transit Discharged status from items?
- Can status message match in Record Display and Title Results List?
- Can the A-Z list in Find Database be in different languages than English?
- Can the legacy patron update (SIF) process UTF-8 (Unicode) characters?
- Can the search results be broken down by format?
- Can the Voyager clients be installed on a terminal server?
- Can the Voyager Z39.50 server sort search results?
- Can the WebV location token be used to display discharge location?
- Can title-level holds be placed on more than 50 items?
- Can Two Funds in Acquisitions be Merged?
- Can use Voyager patron XML utilities to batch update or delete patron notes
- Can use Voyager patron XML utilities to batch update or delete patron statistical codes
- Can Voyager be Installed on a Virtual Server?
- Can Voyager calculate accrued fines for overdue items still on loan?
- Can Voyager CircSelfCheck use institution ID or username instead of patron barcode?
- Can Voyager export MARC records in MARC21 XML format?
- Can Voyager Global Data Change delete just MFHD records?
- Can Voyager Global Data Change "Copy MARC Field/Subfield" consequence copy contents to different MARC field and different MARC subfield?
- Can Voyager Self Check process a checkout request without a patron information request?
- Can WebVoyage be set to not timeout and stay on the current search page?
- Can WebVoyage display cover images from 856 links?
- Can we create an additional paragraph in Circ notices?
- Can we get a copy of our Voyager database?
- Can we have different OPAC display labels based on the subfield 2 for subject headings with a second indicator of 7?
- Can we increase record length?
- Can we install LetsEncrypt SSL certificate with Voyager?
- Can we make direct updates to our Voyager database with SQL?
- Can we set 2 hour reserves to be due at close?
- Can we set our preview server to point to our database?
- Can we set up multiple Fixed Due Dates in Voyager Circulation?
- Can you allow Title level holds placed in the OPAC for items on the shelf?
- Can you delete Database Definitions?
- Can you run FPC on just one database of a multi-database server?
- Cat-in-the-Acq / Acq-in-the-Cat : client window doesn't always come to fore
- CAT:10 character operator used in Bulkimport display incorrectly in History
- CAT:Bulk Import: 'O' as character set does not load underscore (5f)
- CAT:can't save, delete, regen w/record at 99KB
- CAT: "Print Selected" prints MFHD Loc for Item Perm Loc
- CAT: "Unable to delete record" but record is deleted
- CAT: "Unable to save record" after replacing auth
- CAT: Authority creation with vernacular data fails
- CAT: Auth template results in field tags out of order
- CAT: Barcode field in cataloging hierarchy will not display more than 14 characters
- CAT: Bib record now showing up as a mfhd
- CAT: Builder tab "specified index has changed"
- CAT: byte 11 changing from MESH to LCSH for authorities
- CAT: Byte 32 no longer changing to correct value for auth rec
- CAT: Call number browse skips entries
- In Voyager cataloging client cannot manually replace records matching on BBID (BIBID, BIB_ID)
- CAT: Cannot open a locally saved record in Cataloging
- CAT: copy from Browse Heading Search copies last copy
- CAT: Create Auth on 100/240 with 880 pair from Authority Validation freezes Cataloging
- CAT: default item type doesn't allow reset to blank to pull from SysAdmin
- CAT: Delete bib fails with e-item message
- CAT: ELINK_INDEX not updated for case changes
- CAT: Enum and Chron replaces actual numeric values when resequence
- CAT: extra character in 040 $c in auths with 040 $e rda
- CAT: Headings reference info missing for See Also references
- CAT: Large bib Send Record To triggers RTE 6
- CAT: Large number of 6xx, 7xx fields trigger run-time errors
- CAT: Name/title doesn't validate unless other name/title auths for name
- CAT: Overlay bibliographic records attached to PO affects limits
- CAT: Possible to delete mfhds linked to PO?
- CAT: Re-link holdings function not working in Voyager 7.0.2
- CAT: Records printed from Cataloging word wrap incorrectly when Windows display size is larger
- CAT: resequence item records gives "item not found" msg but then resequences
- CAT: RTE 6 on item retrieval when 249 bound-with bibs
- CAT: Run Time Errors 65099 and 440 when deleting bib records in cataloging
- CAT: Some headings with matching Authority records are not Authorized
- CAT: Staff Subject Subdivisions duplicate when subfield edited
- CAT: Subfield separators missing from some headings
- CAT: Titles Index grid sometimes truncates field display
- CAT: Unable to add holdings to new bibs
- CAT: Unable to add this item for particular bib record
- CAT: Viewing empty mfhd history on Linux server causes run-time errors
- CAT: What logs "Overlay" action in bib history?
- CAT/ACQ: Cat in the Acq / Acq in the Cat isn't working
- Catalina.out contains error: "Prefix must resolve to a namespace: hol"
- Cataloging error - "No cataloging formats found in your tagtable directory"
- Cataloging preferences disappear when computer is restarted
- Cataloging searches do not return all results in database
- CAT/BULK: Cannot add records with 1-character RDA carrier code
- catjob: could not retrieve heading.heading_type and job stops
- Catjobs run against entire database after regen
- Catjob/Mediajob fail to display menu and quit without error
- CAT/OPAC: Reference Information no longer displays
- CAT/WebV: 880 subfield 6 not searchable
- CAT/WebV: Owning Library doesn't display for Call Number browse
- CAT/WebV : Content Limit does not find valid records
- Cat module unresponsive when printing spine/piece labels with margins over 1.0
- CAT/BULK: Unable to correct incorrect length 33X subfield b codes
- Certain patron groups cannot check out particular item type
- Changes to web.xml file not reflected in WebVoyage
- Change "Search resulted in no hits" message in Voyager WebVoyage
- Change a patron's Patron Group in Voyager
- Change bib format display name?
- Change column labels in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Change date format on reports processed with Reporter
- Change email footer in Tomcat Webvoyage
- Change item's barcode in Voyager Circulation
- Change label associated with patron identifiers used to login to WebVoyage
- Change ledger names during FPC
- Change library name that displays in My Account Charged Items?
- Change or remove item records using GDC
- Change Posting Type in Voyager Circulation after a Fines/Fees post is submitted
- Change print footer in Tomcat WebVoyage
- Change sort for title search?
- Change text displayed in Header button in Webvoyage
- Change the "no item information" text in WebVoyage
- Change the font size in the Voyager Circulation client
- Change the Intended Location of an Approved Purchase Order Line Item in Voyager Acquisitions
- Change the link of the Voyager WebVoyage "My Account" tab to an external link
- Change the Tomcat WebVoyage OPAC session timeout
- Change where the 856 links display in Voyager WebVoyage OPAC
- Change which patron identifiers are used to log in to WebVoyage
- Changing matching criteria for Google Books links
- Changing support access to local server
- Changing the Voyager Tomcat OPAC search results page icons
- Characters with diacritics don't display character in Analyzer
- Character limit for Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports AUTHBLOB_VW view
- Character limit for Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports BIBBLOB_VW view
- Character limit for Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports MFHDBLOB_VW view
- Charged item is discharged and charged to another patron.
- Charge Book , "An error occurred while attempting to process a charge request."
- Checked email notice box in Patron Rules but notice is printed instead of emailed
- Check whether Oracle for Voyager is in archive mode
- Chrome browser identifies connection as "Not Secure"
- CIRC:db error if hold shelf expiration date not in calendar
- CIRC:hold has pending status while item has in transit status
- CIRC:hold shelf life pulls from policy of discharge loc, not item loc
- CIRC:if recall renewed item, due date = date MPRI RRI even if MPRI passed
- circ:incorrectly calculating minutely fines after midnight
- CIRC:In Effect past 12am, minutely/hourly loans charged before 12 due next day
- circ:Keyword Holding Boolean search does not retrieve items
- circ:reserve counters not incrementing accurately
- CIRC:Reserve E-Item field headers sometimes very large
- CIRC:Short Loan Advanced Booking alert not working if item not charged
- CIRC:Short loan on overdue items.
- CIRC: Able to place hold when option disabled in SysAdmin
- CIRC: Bursar Refunds allowed to exceed total transferred
- CIRC: Cannot delete patron because of historical fines
- CIRC: Cannot remove temporary location, item type
- Circ: charging short loan item to patron with no short loan matrix
- CIRC: Duplicate Patron gives RTE 381
- CIRC: In transit details disappearing after recall has been cancelled
- CIRC: Items Available don't show when Pickup Location longer
- CIRC: Items with hold requests allowed to circulate to other patrons
- CIRC: Item is Scheduled but is not in Media?
- CIRC: Item recall doesn't always shorten due date when appropriate
- CIRC: Item records edited in Circulation store Sensitize and Magnetic media flags as 1 instead of Y
- CIRC: Item sort shows information for wrong item
- CIRC: MARC bib/holdings always print to default printer
- CIRC: Max Short Loan Per Day for today does not allow request for other days
- CIRC: Modify button active when patron does not have fines/fees.
- CIRC: Operator ID not recorded for charge and discharge
- Circ: Overnight loans not applied
- CIRC: Overnight short loans
- CIRC: Patron address edit hot key duplicated
- CIRC: Patron note field character limit not apparent when adding note
- CIRC: Recall on term loan doesn't shorten due date
- CIRC: Searching for item in reserves header list
- CIRC: Suppressed record highlighting not retained in Titles Index
- CIRC: Unable to view Item Circulation History
- CIRC/CAT: Manually add/remove item status, statistical categories clears modify operator, location
- CIRC/CAT/SA: New items ignore matrix when fulfilling unranked holds
- circjob:circjob 35 -L requires the text 'Circulation Desk' in the location name
- CIRCJOB: Circjob 39 patron purge aborts when patron has 24 barcodes
- Circjobs give print location error and don't run
- CIRCJOB - Circjob 25 doesn't recognize transactions with "E-Kiosk" posting type
- Circjob - overdue notice sent on wrong day
- Circjob 24:Exception types not reported
- Circjob 25 output not written to file
- Circjob 30 stops if accrued fine for patron in policy with due date prior to calendar start
- Circjob 43:error in log if local call slip is processed
- circjob 43:incorrectly updates ub_request status for processed call slips
- Circjob 44 does not change operator ID
- Circjob 44 expires barcodes with status other than Active
- Circjob 44 runs for all patron groups only
- CIRC/patron SIF:number of Characters in City Inconsistent Across Client
- CIRC/REP: EXCEPTION_TYPE=43 missing from db
- CIRC/SA: Unranked holds not ranked when eligible items added
- CIRC/SL: Short loan request end times do not include overnight due time
- Circulation Actions - Loans does not retrieve all loans when Charged Item Limit met or exceeded
- Circulation appears to be calculating an incorrect Lost Item Replacement Cost based on item's temporary item type
- Circulation calendar exception dates not observed
- Circulation intervals in Voyager and when notices are produced
- Circulation message to load offline transactions, but Charge/Renew option not available in menu
- Circulation Package - Event Transactions error RQP-DEF-0177
- CIRC/WebV: Course Reserves capitalised words sorting incorrectly
- CIRC : other overdue notice not sent on expected day for hourly loans
- Circ desk location disappeared from OPAC
- Circ Matrix Courtesy Notice Interval grayed out
- Circ SC: "database error occurred while trying to validate operator access"
- Circ Self Check error: "Login Circ Location not found"
- CIRC / SA: Hourly Loan due times calculate from open time
- Claim not available when item marked Damaged
- Classic Voyager OPAC displays blank records in search results title list
- Classic WebVoyage crashes searching on long index name
- Classic WebVoyage times out if post sort or click next results page after GKEY search on Advanced Search tab
- Class Diagrams for Voyager version 10.0 and later
- Clearing disk space on the Voyager server
- Clear Workspace button not appearing in Acquisitions window
- Clicking "Build" produces "No reports to process" or "No notices to process."
- Clicking "OK" in Record Type not found in master.cfg pop-up crashes Cat client
- Clicking "Send via EDI" option in Voyager Acquisitions but nothing happens
- Closed Calendar with no end date gives RTE 65099 at Charge attempt
- Collection of Tomcat WebVoyage customizations
- Command Keyword searches fail when combined with 008P, 008L
- Command searches on Chinese words made up of several characters fail
- Commonly used SQL Keywords in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Commonly used SQL operators in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Comparison of command-line options for Voyager .msi and .exe "silent" installation
- Configure Voyager Z39.50 to send UTF-8 encoded records
- Configuring Apache and WebVoyage for sites with different internal and external IP addresses
- Configuring Voyager as Email Server for OPAC
- Configuring Voyager for interoperability with EBSCO services
- Considerations when using date fields in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Considerations when using the BIB_INDEX table in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Considerations when using the BIB_TEXT table in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Control subfield order in Voyager Global Data Change
- Copy/Fund Tab Unable to view fund, "You don't have security to view this ledger"
- Copyright symbol display issue when importing records into Voyager cataloging client
- Copy Level Recalls are allowed on items with Discharged/In Transit On Hold status
- Counter doesn't show "In Transit/On Hold" Items on patron record
- Course Reserves List does not display in the client
- Courtesy notice interval inactive for patrons in matrix
- Created new location, not available in Circulation Policy
- Create and refresh Oracle read-only users for ODBC
- Create a custom (or new) Item Status in Voyager
- Create a left-anchored or heading index?
- Create a new search tab that opens a different WebVoyage skin
- Create a report to list Voyager Bibliographic Record Linking profiles
- Create a Voyager WebVoyage OPAC Course Reserves Search Box
- Create date not populated when item auto-created on Receive
- Create invoice from PO, receive Expired End Date block
- Create Voyager WebVoyage advanced search option for the MFHD shelving location (852c)
- Creating a shortcut to launch Voyager from Start menu
- Creating new skins in WebVoyage
- Creating ODBC DSN fails:"ODBC System DSN Warning You are logged on with non-Administrative privileges."
- Creation of BBID Keyword Definition in Voyager SYSADMIN causes BBID matching in Bulk Import and Global Data Change to fail
- Cross-Reference Redirects ("See" and "See Also") for AUTH and NAME searches can result in empty ("No Hits") result sets in Voyager Tomcat WebVoyage
- Cross references display in OPAC after adding new auth record with no linked bibs
- CS:'Request not processed due to Circulation processing error' if hold
- CS:Callslip Reassignment Alert
- CS: Notice fails if patron e-mail address includes apostrophe
- CS: Relink Failure when process request after linking new item
- CS: Some patrons unable to place Call Slip requests
- Customer ability to close Salesforce Cases
- Database Definitions Address
- Database error when attempting to delete duplicate patron barcode in Circulation
- Data Change Job fails, logs "Record Export Failed. Was not successful."
- Data entered in Details tab does not display in Patron Record List
- Data in global headings change tables not removed when Name/Title record deleted
- date.format in doesn't alter format in some services
- Date Entered on File (DEOF) gets updated by data in bytes 06-11 of 008 when blank
- When edit calendar in SysAdmin: "This calendar cannot be saved. It is being used in more than one Circulation Policy Group with dates which overlap."
- DB: Invalid characters in ELINK_INDEX.LINK_TEXT_NORMAL
- Decimal point in dollar amounts has changed
- Default firewall timeout setting for Voyager server in the hosted environment
- Default Item Type for Cat Policy is wrong
- Default Pick and Scan Log directory does not exist
- Definitions for terms used in Voyager Acquisitions
- Deleted an EDI file, still getting message that already loaded file; why?
- Delete an e-item in the Voyager Course Reserve module
- Delete a Reserve List from Voyager Course Reserve
- Delete Bibs and Holdings using Pick and Scan
- Delete button in Voyager Circulation Client Patron Record is deactivated
- Delete button not available on Subscription Maintenance screen after upgrade to 9.2.0
- Delete holdings via WebAdmin fails and no log file created
- Delete instructor name, course, department or section from Voyager Course Reserves
- Delete Voyager ILS records from Primo
- Deleting item records in Voyager
- Demerits and suspensions are not showing correctly
- Description and list of enhancements for new version?
- Desired Duplicate Detection Profile is not available in Voyager Cataloging Preferences
- Detailed Line Item Standard Number applied to both printed POs and EDI?
- Network Ports used by Voyager
- Determine the character set of a MARC record
- Diacritics do not display in Global Headings Change Q’s “Process? Heading (new)
- Diacritics from ACQ pub patterns don't display in WebVoyage
- Diacritics not displaying correctly when querying database
- Diacritics stored/display incorrectly in item record fields in Cat/WebV
- Difference between "validated" and "authorized" heading?
- Difference between FT and GKEY searches in Voyager
- Difference between RENEW_TRANSACTIONS and RENEW_TRANS_ARCHIVE tables in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Difference between the "CIRC_TRANSACTIONS" and "CIRC_TRANS_ARCHIVE" tables in Voyager PrePackaged Reports
- Difference between Volume Note and Other Volume Data in Bindery Maintenance?
- Difference between Voyager Fines/Fee Notices and Fines/Fee Statements
- Direct Users Directly to and from "My Account" Page in WebVoyage
- Disable "Limit To" drop-down and "Filter Your Search" panel in WebVoyage
- DISCARD or DELETE in GDC string translates to msgObj.setDiscard()
- DISCHARGE_DATE populated in FINE_FEE table, but no record of discharge in CIRC_TRANS_ARCHIVE
- Discrepancy between searching by vendor code v. vendor name in Problems tab
- Displaying non-Roman characters in 880 tag fields in Voyager WebVoyage
- Display does not show all tabs for Call Slips in patron record in Voyager circulation
- Display index column in Voyager WebVoyage search results
- Display Links from 856 $u Field in e-mails from WebVoyage.
- Display military time in Voyager Circulation Client on Windows 10
- Display of item locations is by item ID instead of relationship to MFHD location and enumeration
- Display of RDA 33X information in OPAC Keyword Anywhere search results
- Display of RDA 33X information in Title Long field Voyager staff client search results
- Does -KADDKEY only apply to bib records?
- Does Bulk Export delete the records it exports from the catalog?
- Does Circjob 38 affect Media Booking history?
- Does Circjob 39 retain historical fines?
- Does Ex Libris support SSL for Voyager?
- Does Generate Keyword Index in WebAdmin set catalog to read only?
- Does item history remain when its MFHD linked to different bib?
- Does it matter when Fiscal Period Close is run?
- Does MarcExport duplicate records on export by date?
- Does MarcExport look at MFHD date when looking for updates?
- Does new Voyager location impact Primo Extracts?
- Does owning library impact location limits in WebVoyage?
- Does pre-packaged report summarizing vendor information exist?
- Does Reporter support authenticated SMTP for sending e-mails?
- Does the "Voyager Record Counts" report included with Prepackaged Access Reports incorporate suppressed records?
- Does the Client’s AutoUpdate password revert back to the default during a Voyager upgrade
- Does the Voyager license include an Oracle license?
- Does unchecking "Fines/Lost Item Fees Apply" in Voyager SYSADMIN prevent the "Lost Item Fee" from being applied?
- Does UTIL patch multiple databases at the same time?
- Does Voyager Extract for Primo delete a bib record if all linked MFHD records are suppressed?
- Does Voyager ILL module work with Ariel?
- Does Voyager keep a record of patron accounts that have been deleted?
- Does Voyager provide native RSS support
- Does Voyager support SRU/SRW?
- Does Voyager use ::28 when appended to code for adjust reason?
- Does Voyager use any Unicode normalization?
- Do browse discharge transactions include timestamp when opt to retain browse transactions?
- Do hosted customers still need to run the Pfpc_save backup?
- Do interactions between Cataloging and Acquisitions happen entirely on client side?
- Do I have to stop Tomcat to edit server.xml file?
- Do I need to convert records to MARC after export?
- Do I need to rotate the Apache webserver Access Logs on Solaris servers?
- Do keyword indexes carry forward at upgrade?
- Do line items on POs with user-created types roll during FPC?
- Do locally defined Purchase Order Types roll over during fiscal period close?
- Do Purchase Orders (POs) roll over during FPC?
- Do the 856 link checking catjobs check 856 fields in BOTH bib and mfhd records?
- Do Voyager Catjobs 9 and 10 verify HTTPS links?
- Do we need to upgrade Voyager in preparation for migration to Alma?
- DPS: Preservation extract not checking EXISTS_IN_DPS flag
- Drop-down for font size in Cataloging only goes up to 12
- Due date is set to the end of the current day when renewing overdue items.
- Due date shortened to patron expiration
- Duplicate address fields for Patron Self-Registration records
- Duplicate Detection profile sometimes fails to identify & handle duplicate record
- During Voyager FPC, no New Ledger created
- EBSCO EDS Discovery Service has problem connecting to Voyager for RTAC information
- EDI:claim for non-predict issue has invalid SICI
- EDI:Latin-1 diacritics not correctly sent via EDI
- Editing the crontab
- Edit button active in patron requests window for UB requests
- Edit button grayed out for Holds and Recalls in Patron Request window
- "Edit search" with ampersands eliminates ampersand and search terms
- Edit Webvoyage Holds Cancellation "Not Needed After"
- EDI vendor code not does not match Voyager vendor code
- Email record URL is truncated, leaving invalid link in emailed record
- Enable and Export OPAC Search Log in WebVoyage
- Enable default button selection still selects OK in barcode lookup failure screen when disabled
- Enabling patron PIN for Voyager WebVoyage
- EndNote export format spacing inconsistent
- "End of term date not found" error when charging items
- Ensure materials due on days library is closed (Voyager calendar exception dates) do not come due on those days
- Enum/Copy displays with location in Holdings information
- Enum/Copy displays with location in Holdings information if second MFHD with different location
- Environment access considerations for troubleshooting
- EOD:this fundcode is not unique
- EOD/Bulk Import profile not recognizing fund information
- Error: "Component 'EISUCTBX.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"
- Errored bibs logged in "Added" column in log summary for Bulkimport
- Errors in ARS mhs_msg.log: Failure retrieving title/author for item_id
- Errors when indicators are populated in Voyager GDC Add MARC Subfield consequence that follows Add MARC Field consequence
- Errors when opening clients following Auto-Update
- Errors when sending POs or Invoices to print queue for Reporter
- Error "No valid locations found" when logging into Voyager Cataloging
- Error #70 ... Permission denied when saving record in Cataloging
- Error #76: Path not found in Voyager Pick and Scan
- Error 1721 or Error 1722 during Voyager client uninstall or installation
- ERROR Index Failure message encountered during BulkImport
- Error when loading record ID file in GDC
- Error with renorm.exe during Voyager 7.2.0 upgrade
- Example of MARC ID input file to be used with Bulk Export (MarcExport)
- Example Voyager Circ.INI file showing modifications for receipt printing of the DISCHARGE SLIP
- Exception on Lost Item Processing fee not included in Exception Report output
- Exclusion operator not working in WebVoyage GKEY search
- Expiring patron records in Voyager
- Explanation of the overlayAction element in Voyager patron XML import
- Export File of MARC Records with GDC
- Extension modules available on Preview Server?
- External/SSO patron authentication for Voyager WebVoyage
- extract:if deletes contain 001 w/spaces, extract dies
- Extraction Satisfaction: Adding a URL to an 856 field
- Extract does not add subfield 0 when one exists and InsertPrimoBrowseTags=Y
- Extract fails with java.lang.NullPointerException during startup
- Ex Libris Offices' IP Addresses
- Ex Libris Voyager Patron Directory Services (PDS) Security vulnerability patch
- Faculty patron cannot check out a book
- Failed to retrieve parameters from import" message in BulkImport log
- Failed to send the selected EDI message" message when same name
- Files in WebAdmin Reports: what are they, and must I keep them?
- Finding information about our Voyager database required for implementation of EBSCO Discovery Service
- Find patron's group ID and DB key for OvP calls
- Find the highest (maximum) record ID (BIB, MFHD, etc.) in Voyager database
- Find the number of bibliographic records (BIB, MFHD, etc.) in Voyager
- Find the number of our authority records in Voyager?
- First steps for troubleshooting EDI issues in Acquisitions?
- Fiscal Period Close completed no funds rolled over
- Fiscal Period Close resources and FAQs in Voyager
- Fiscal Period Close via WebAdmin (for Voyager TotalCare and all other customers)
- Forgot System Administration password
- Format for direct link to a record?
- For ALA Requests ILL No. is derived from Transaction ID, not Order No.
- For an upgrade, when do I need to do a backup?
- FPC:No funds in new ledger
- Free Text field in Item record stored in which database table?
- From what point are recall fines calculated in Voyager for an overdue item that is recalled?
- From where can Voyager clients be downloaded?
- FT: UB/CIRC: Fines not forgiven for stub patrons
- FTP Passwords for voyager, odbc, preview, and patch users
- Fulani/Adlam script does not display in Tomcat WebVoyage and may be stored incorrectly in the Voyager database
- Functional differences between one or multiple subfields i in mfhd 852?
- Fund ambiguity on import results in PO with no line items, mfhd link stuck in db
- Fund discrepancies - totals displayed in Acquisitions not accurate
- Fund does not show commitments
- Fund information on orphaned Invoice displays as "/" symbol after FPC
- Fund info in Line Item of a PO or Invoice doesn't display full ledger/fund path
- Fund snapshot acqjob.log error "Failure retrieving parent fund information"
- GDC:"Record Export Failed"/"Record Import Failure" on traindb
- GDC:Duplicate same Marc Tag to new tag does not work
- GDC:Specific Records:Run-time error 65099 then 440 for more than 20K records
- GDC: "Connection Refused", "Failed to retrieve saved searches", "Failed to load existing record sets" and other error messages
- GDC: "Operator is not authorized for Global Data change functions"
- GDC: Create Record Set Using Match Job
- GDC: Data change fails with "does not equal" in Condition
- GDC: Data change fails with "equals" in Condition
- GDC: Delete All Records in a Hierarchy
- GDC: Does GDC build an 035 field like bulk import?
- GDC: Export a Record Set
- GDC: Find records with second instance of a specified field
- GDC: fixed fields must have placeholders to update correct field position
- GDC: if bib ID (001) has trailing spaces, job cannot complete
- GDC: Indicator values must both use or not use wildcard
- GDC: Invalid leader byte 10 prevents record changes
- GDC: Issue with MARC Control Field conditions
- GDC: Match Job made record set with no records
- GDC: Multiple Conditions for single Consequence
- GDC: Owning Library does not display in Titles List after Data Change job
- GDC: Preview "Jump Ahead" fails with RTE 65099/440 on large jumps
- GDC: Purpose of GDC Reindexing job?
- GDC: Records not deleted
- GDC: Replace string with nothing
- GDC: Replace String with String cannot be executed with forward slashes
- GDC: running time calculation in the log is way off
- GDC: Scan job using multiple criteria ignores some criteria
- GDC: Scan to Exclude does not add records to set
- GDC: Some strings with Boolean operators not matched
- GDC: Suppress / Unsuppress Records
- GDC: unable to sort record result list using Sort By feature
- GDC: Use Voyager Global Data Change to identify records that are missing a specific field
- GDC: What is a Match Job?
- GDC: When try to delete records using Voyager Global Data Change the records are suppressed instead. Why?
- GDC: Why is GDC adding 86X fields to my mfhd records?
- GDC and BulkImport simultaneously?
- GDC appears successful, after records correct, but change not reflected in database
- GDC Data Change Job does not change 008 DEOF (Date Entered on File)
- GDC deletes all MARC control of a given type if field matches delete rule
- GDC fails when Merge job encounters deleted record ID
- GDC Job fails, reports other import process running
- GDC job fails with KnowledgeBase error
- GDC log stops at Transform step
- GDC Search error, cannot retrieve saved searches
- GDC services will not start
- GDC tables aggregating row values instead of listing
- German Eszett (U 00DF) should not be decomposed to "ss" in Cataloging
- Getting data from fields in bibliographic records that have left-anchored indexes in Voyager
- Get "Connection Refused" when trying to access GDC client for first time
- Get "Connection Refused" when trying to open up Voyager client
- Get detailed logging from the Primo Extract Log in Voyager
- GHC:op_id greater than 10 characters stored incorrectly in db
- GHC: Auth records for different people with same name updated together
- GHC: Is there a "Select All" option for selecting headings for processing in Global Headings Change?
- GHC/HEADINGS: Authority & Note lost in Headings list after GHC processing
- GHCQ gives Error 6 overflow when tens of thousands of bibs linked to heading
- Global Data Change "Failed to add rule set group" in Authority Loading - Load Match Configuration creation
- Global Data Change (GDC) - "Connection Refused" and GDC Port is Open
- Google Books covers and/or other images, etc., not showing when using HTTPS
- Headings Keyword (KWIH) search does not accept search string that contains an ampersand
- Headings Keyword (KWIH) search does not retrieve new headings immediately
- Headings linked to specific number of bibs do not display in Browse
- Headings normalization removes punctuation
- Headings regen:incorrect command for linux causes regen to fail
- Headings Search Results Count in Voyager Global Data Change do not Match the Number of Bib Records in New Record Set
- Headings show as 'not applicable'
- Heading added to Global Heading Change Queue when a period is edited
- Heading Filters seem editable but are not
- Heading search for headings where bibs suppressed via GDC, Pick and Scan kills search in OPAC session
- Helpful terms for WebVoyage (Tomcat UI) upgrades & customizations
- Help identifying old (more than 20 days) "in transit-discharged" or "in transit-on hold" status items
- High-level workflow for Voyager record updates to Primo
- Historical charges in item record is greater than number of transactions in CIRC TRANS ARCHIVE
- HKEY search results in: "Search failed" in cataloging
- settings not applied
- Holdings display incorrect for serial title
- Hold prevents deletion of bib, but there's no hold visible in the client
- Hold Shelf Life for title-level WebVoyage request pulls from all/all matrix
- Hosted Voyager server upgrade and the requirement of having a successful backup prior to the upgrade
- Hourly loans charged after midnight calculate due time when library closed
- How are a fund's Available Balance and Cash calculated?
- How are call slips stored in the database?
- How are Fund Codes used in Embedded Order Data (EOD) via BulkImport?
- How are OCLC control numbers indexed in the Voyager BIB_INDEX table?
- How are reports produced when running Fiscal Period Close?
- How are the foreign currency conversion rates calculated?
- How can a record be removed from an import file once the record has been saved to Voyager?
- How can daily record deletes be captured for Summon or Primo?
- How can item records be exported from Voyager?
- How can I get a hyperlink to appear on my OPAC homepage?
- How can I invoice a standing order for a multi-volume set?
- How can I prevent barcode from printing over other text on call slip?
- How can I prevent my remote Z39.50 searches timing out when the number of hits
- How can I remove redirect based on field value?
- How can I set Circulation to not print due date slips?
- How can I set up operator/supervisor overrides for Circulation?
- How can I set Voyager to retain patron IDs in Circ transactions?
- How can I tell how much RAM my Solaris server has?
- How can I tell which cron jobs are set up to run?
- How can MFHD location be changed in bulk?
- How can records be deleted in Voyager?
- How can Voyager Circulation operator delete bibliographic and holdings records?
- How does a recommit work if a line item rolls and expended more than once?
- How does Bi-Directional Merge work?
- How does Circjob 38 impact CIRC_TRANS_ARCHIVE?
- How does Duplicate Warn/Replace in Bib or Authority Duplicate Detection work?
- How does EDI Connection Profile use Locations in the Location drop-down?
- How does GDC handle mfhds with attachments (POs, invoices, items)?
- How does Global Headings Change (GHC) handle name/title headings when a name heading changes?
- How does ISBN/ISSN validation work in Cataloging?
- How does Quality Hierarchy work with Bi-Directional Merge?
- How does relevance ranking work?
- How does the Circulation client "E-mail Control Button" work?
- How does the Field Override work?
- How does the Field Weight for Selected Indexes work in Duplicate Detection?
- How does the free-floating hierarchy window work in Cataloging?
- How does the In Transit status and Missing in Transit Report work in Voyager?
- How does the keyword search work with more than one term?
- How does the maximum fines limit in Circulation work?
- How does the Maximum Password Age parameter in SysAdmin Security Options work?
- How does the system determine which patron identifier type is used for verification in WebVoyage patron request forms?
- How does the timeout setting work in the voyager.ini file on PC?
- How does the Use Vendor Account check box in the EDI connection dialog box work?
- How does Voyager index ISBNs?
- How does Voyager index the call number?
- How do backups work for Voyager environments hosted by Ex Libris?
- How do Grace Periods work in Voyager?
- How do headings get on the Global Headings Change Queue (GHCQ)?
- How do I add an Advanced Search limit for Format?
- How do I add an existing left anchored index to the TALL composite title index?
- How do I add a new location to or delete an existing location from Advanced Search limit?
- How do I add a Quick Limit for location in Classic WebVoyage?
- How do I add icons to Search Page Results in Voyager WebVoyage?
- How do I add our phone number to print Overdue Notices?
- How do I allow notes to display in the OPAC?
- How do I change "Voyager Owner" as sender name on emails?
- How do I change default record display in Classic WebVoyage?
- How do I change fields displayed in Journal Left Anchored search results lists?
- How do I change labels in my OPAC record display?
- How do I create an exclude file for a marcexport job?
- How do I determine if an Oracle Tablespace Extension is needed?
- How do I determine if keyword regen is needed?
- How do I disable Media Booking through WebVoyáge?
- How do I disable patron activities in WebVoyage?
- How do I disable renewal of charged items via WebVoyage?
- How do I disable requests via WebVoyage?
- How do I disable the ability to edit patron SMS data in WebVoyáge?
- How do I disable the cancellation of current requests via WebVoyage?
- How do I disable the cancellation of Media Booking requests through WebVoyáge?
- How do I disable the Change PIN functionality in WebVoyáge?
- How do I display "In transit" status for filled call slip in patron account?
- How do I enable an operator to manually suspend a patron record?
- How do I enable email for records in Webvoyage?
- How do I encrypt client-to-server traffic?
- How do I expire an operator account in order to force a password change the next time the operator logs into a client?
- How do I find records with a specific MARC field in the database?
- How do I find Z39.50 attribute for field containing OCLC numbers?
- How do I format deep linking to Tomcat WebVoyage?
- How do I keep summary holdings from printing with item records?
- How do I know if holdings keyword searching is enabled?
- How do I know which directory Apache is checking for client autoupdate?
- How do I load the 856 from bibliographic records into holdings records?
- How do I log in to the System Adminstration client for the first time?
- How do I make certain item types non-circulating?
- How do I move (e.g., lower) the top row of tabs in Basic Search Page?
- How do I remove a request form in the OPAC 'Patron Request' screen?
- How do I request a Support Portal Login for a new staff member?
- How do I resolve SEARCHPARM conflict?
- How do I set the timeout period of the Z39.50 server?
- How do I set up Patron Self-Registration?
- How do I update tag tables?
- How do other sites connect via Z39.50 to our database?
- How do the Over Commit and Over Expend options work for Voyager ledgers and funds?
- How do Voyager catjobs 9 and 10 work together?
- How do we activate Self Check (SIP2) for Voyager?
- How do we add the patron barcode to the patron SIF file?
- How do we decommission our local Voyager server
- How do we exclude subfield |h of the 245 field for Title search?
- How do we get a refresh of the data in our test (sandbox) Voyager server?
- How do we set Voyager to stop applying Lost Item Replacement Fees?
- How do you add a URL to the My account page?
- How do you identify Happening Locations in Voyager for migration to Alma?
- How do you remove Institution name from Email notices?
- How do you remove items that are no longer missing from the Missing in Transit Report?
- How do you set up location alerts at discharge?
- How EOD works in Voyager
- How is EOD different from EDI?
- How is External Patron Authentication information sent to WebVoyage?
- How is mfhd 866 subfield 8 populated when serials collapsed in Acquisitions?
- How is PO type determined in Acquisitions?
- How is Reference Information box populated in Cataloging when retrieving Authority record?
- How is truncation applied when building a keyword search from multiple terms in Voyager WebVoyage?
- How long does it take to run a fiscal period close?
- How many characters can be contained in the item enumeration field?
- How many items do we have checked out in Voyager?
- How many records can be imported at a time using bulkimport?
- How much does a Voyager upgrade cost?
- How should I BulkImport a large set of records?
- SELFCHK: How to activate on-screen messages displayed in Self-Check
- How to add a mail receiver in JavaMelody
- How to add a physical address to an emailed Overdue Notice?
- How to add more quick limit options
- How to add or edit keyword search index definitions
- How to add Prepay amount to line item on PO
- How to alter bibliographic or holdings information displayed in record display
- How to append additional copy of book to from detalied line item of invoice?
- How to apply criteria to a Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports query that uses the "Total:" row
- How to assign z39.50 use attribute to search index
- How to automatically add call number to MFHD?
- How to backdate a discharge transaction in Voyager Circulation
- How to batch create new item records attached to existing MFHD records in Voyager
- How to batch delete duplicate patrons?
- How to batch delete Social Security Numbers?
- How to bulk delete holdings (mfhd) and corresponding bibliographic records?
- How to bulk delete mfhd (holding) records from Voyager?
- How to bulk load MFHDs into the database?
- How to change "return to the main library website" link in OPAC
- How to change a serial title in Voyager Acquisitions
- How to change Not Charged status message in WebVoyage?
- How to change overdue notice intervals for all patron groups and item types in policy matrix?
- How to change skins on the fly
- How to change space around record display
- How to change text on the patron login page in the OPAC?
- How to change the 856’s base URL across several Voyager records
- How to change the logo image in Tomcat WebVoyage
- How to change the path to MS Access used by Reporter
- How to change the text and target of “Your Library Name Here” link in the footer?
- How to change the user instructions on the "My Searches" page.
- How to change the Voyager WebVoyage search and header tab colors
- How to change time format from 12-hour to 24-hour clock in WebVoyage?
- How to change width of Holdings Information box
- How to check Primo extract logs on Voyager server?
- How to circulate items without barcodes
- How To Clean Up /m1/incoming folder
- How to Configure Apache - Add Tomcat and/or Remove Classic
- How to connect to training database?
- How to create an interleaved file from the deleted records files in Voyager?
- How to create a keyword search that searches both the Voyager Bib record and Holdings record fields simultaneously?
- How to create a space after the Bib Record's 856 fields in the Voyager OPAC
- How to create interleaved file with Prebulk, with all mfhds mapped to one location
- How to delete a set of authority records
- How to delete a WebVoyage Tomcat skin in Voyager
- How to delete collapsed issues/volumes in Voyager Acquisitions
- How to delete e-item when associated reserve list has been deleted?
- How to delete old Voyager Purchase Orders?
- How to delete patron records in Voyager that are affiliated with proxy patrons
- How to determine what codes to enter for the Vendor EDI Attributes?
- How to disable all Voyager cron jobs
- How to disable the "Loan Shortened Due to Patron Expiration Alert" pop-up
- How to display BIB ID in WebVoyage record view
- How to display Related Records in WebVoyage?
- How to download reports and export files from WebAdmin
- How to edit, change or modify the Due Date Slip and other slips, printouts and receipts in Circulation.
- How to edit E-Items in Voyager Course Reserve
- How to edit Physical Items in Voyager Course Reserve
- How to edit the "Search Tips" in the Voyager Tomcat WebVoyage search pages?
- How to edit the display name of a request form in WebVoyage
- How to edit the index.html file for Voyager Tomcat WebVoyage?
- How to enable command searching in WebVoyage
- How to enable Primo Browse tags in Voyager?
- How to enable telnet for troubleshooting when CMD reports: "'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command"
- How to exclude inactive item barcodes from the Prepackaged Report
- How to exit Voyager Circulation Self Check with "AllowExit=0"
- How to export all bib and mfhd records in database
- How to export a list of ISBNs (or other data) to Excel using Prepackaged Reports
- How to export a single MARC record from Cataloging
- How to export bib records based on shelving location
- How to extend the Voyager Fiscal Period End Date
- How to extract a subset of production Voyager records for use in Primo Sandbox?
- How to find DB_KEY for local database
- How to find out if Voyager WebAdmin is running
- How to find out when the Z950 server of xxxdb crashed?
- How to find out whether Voyager Global Data Change (GDC) is running
- How to find out whether Z3950 server of Voyager database instance is running?
- How to find out which version of Tomcat running for Voyager xxxdb
- How to find specific Prepackaged Access Reports queries in Voyager based on certain strings
- How to format a value as currency in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- How to get list of print book holdings in database?
- How to get statistics on vendor performance in Voyager Acquisitions
- How to get the Arial Unicode MS font for Voyager
- How to hide the title count and heading type information on the subject heading results page
- How to identify MARC subfields missing punctuation mark at the end
- How to identify purchase orders linked to total commitments by fund
- How to import records through Cataloging client
- How to include holdings information at the end of the staff view in WebVoyage
- How to increase the timeout period for Voyager Circulation Self Check
- How to install with .BAT method?
- How to interpret Apache Log
- How to let patrons request items and route them to satellite campus?
- How to limit external access to the vxws web services
- How to limit number of holds that can be placed by patrons in Voyager
- How to make 856 links open in new window
- How to manage (delete or suppress) bibliographic records with linked purchase orders in Voyager
- How to match incoming records with existing records for Voyager duplicate detection using the MARC 001 field
- How to migrate new barcodes to Voyager
- How to move subfield into a new tag?
- How to obtain a "pull list" from Voyager On-shelf OPAC Holds
- How to obtain IP/Subnet/Range for opening up firewall to z39.50 port
- How to obtain max Voyager high water mark
- How to print all charges on one due date slip in Voyager circulation (includes basic directions for printing due date slips)
- How to Properly Restart Voyager, Apache and Tomcat
- How to query Voyager for list of print journals for vendor?
- How to re-install (uninstall) Voyager clients
- How to read Oracle core dump generated by OPatch commands?
- How to read the summary in the Primo extract log on the Voyager server
- How to remove filters for subject searching in non-keyword searches
- How to remove First Name box in Author tab in WebVoyage interface (Tomcat)
- How to repair indexes without running keyword index regen
- How to replace the en_US skin with a sandbox skin
- How to reprocess Reporter notices
- How to Require Authentication for WebVoyage Email Functionality
- How to resolve Error 12001 when running query in Prepackaged Reports?
- How to Restart Voyager Processes Daily
- How to restrict Acquisitions access during FPC
- How to run basic MarcExport?
- How to run Voyager records Selective extract for Primo
- How to set a field or subfield as mandatory in Cataloging.
- How to set Bulk Import Rule to load all incoming bibliographic & mfhd to default location
- How to set item type, and location for NCIP borrowed items
- How to set the 'Login' button in WebVoyage to direct users to the 'My Account' page.
- How to set unique user identifier in NCIP
- How to set up 'negative' or 'exclusion' limit?
- How to set up basic serials check-in
- How to set up Holdings Sort Groups in Voyager WebVoyage?
- How to set up override for Max Number Items Borrowed limit
- How to set up remote z39.50 search?
- How to stop the display of bib records associated with on-order items in the OPAC
- How to suppress "Database:" display?
- How to suppress "Database: Local Database" in holdings record display?
- How to tell if Apache is running on a Voyager server
- How to tell if Oracle is running on a Voyager server
- How to tell if the Oracle Listener is running on a Voyager server
- How to tell if Tomcat (vxws) is running on a Voyager server
- How to troubleshoot run-time errors 65099 and 440
- How to turn on 'No Frame Filter' in WebVoyage to prevent clickjacking
- How to uninstall Oracle ODBC Client completely
- How to unreceive monograph?
- How to update email server information for sending notices?
- How to update WebVoyage customizations and test new features before upgrade?
- How to update wording for Change Password screen?
- How to use AutoUpdate to distribute different clients?
- How to use a Voyager Global Data Change scan job to identify records that do not have a certain MARC field
- How to use command searching in WebVoyage
- How to use logrotate to manage Voyager logs
- How to use VACSDebug to Troubleshoot Voyager Clients
- How to validate patron XML file before batch loading
- How to wake up jobd more frequently
- How Voyager circulation system administration values are utilized during a checkout procedure
- "HTTPOpenRequest Call Failed" when save bib record
- Identifying internal IP addresses
- If can't Delete Invoice, Delete Line button is missing on invoice
- If I change the vendor code, will it be reflected in old Purchase Orders?
- If line item Received Partial or Approved Invoiced does List Price rollover?
- ILL: Error on send circ updates to Voyager
- ILL requests do not display in WebVoyage
- Imageserver is not functioning after upgrade to voyager 8.0
- Implementing RFID with Voyager
- Implement Location Sort Order for Voyager
- IMPORT:Bi-directional merge not working of 040a at top of hierarchy
- Importing record from OCLC into Voyager receive "Record 1 in import file failed the Unicode conversion. Unable to display the record."
- Import an External Table using an Excel File into Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Import a SQL query into Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Import queries from one Voyager prepackaged Access Reports.MDB file to a different prepackaged Access Reports.MDB file
- Import records from file get "Unrecognized record format encountered" partway through file
- IMPORT_RULE_PO table contains unnecessary rows
- Include Find Databases Link on Primo Main Menu
- Include photograph of patron in Voyager patron circulation record
- Incoming records have location data, but import maps all MFHDs to same location
- Incorrect Due Date Shown in Discharge Window when override 'Item is charged' block
- Incorrect duplication in Voyager ELINK_INDEX table
- Incorrect fields from existing bib retained during merge when using bulk import
- Incorrect Invoice Item Status displayed for line items in Open Orders report
- Increase firewall timeout value on hosted Voyager server
- Indicator values blank for Primo Browse tags included in extracted records
- Initial keyword that is also boolean operator fails in advanced search
- INN-Reach unable to log in to Voyager
- INNReach/InterCirc: Requests failing
- INNReach Doc Error- changed since parameter
- Installation and Configuration of ODBC for Voyager
- Installing Voyager clients on a Macintosh
- Installing Voyager clients on Windows 7/8 PC produces error 1722.
- Install Media Scheduling, receive Resource Validation Errors
- "Intended location ledger id does not match" message in import log
- InterCirc/NCIP unable to process item barcodes containing special characters
- Interleaved MARC export file created with -rG and -i parameters includes suppressed MFHDs when the attached BIB is unsuppressed
- Invalid default fund code in import rule results in bad data preventing MFHD deletion
- Invalid MARC Tags in the Tomcat OPAC
- "Invalid option -- N" received when running Bulk Import using WebAdmin
- "invalid username/password; logon denied" in Prepackaged Reports when attempt to connect to database
- Invoice can be saved/approved in Voyager with null invoice number
- Invoice displays 100 times the actual price when opening from Line Item
- Invoice displays incorrect date in Acquisitions
- In bulk import can we map the second indicator from the MARC import record to the Voyager MFHD 852?
- In Cataloging, run-time error after removing Remote Database or after inactivity in Remote Search session
- In GHCQ, number bibs does not match number in Preview
- In Prepackaged Reports, I keep getting ORA-12224: TNS:no listener" errors when
- In Related Records table in TomCat only first column of each row is hyperlinked
- In Reserves click on Ellipses in certain workflow crashes Circ Module
- In Serials Check-In maintenance, Save and Delete buttons missing
- In Voyager BulkImport replace of specific record causes coredump
- In Voyager Cataloging changing the Print Setup menu option does not work for printing bibliographic, holdings or authority records
- In Voyager Classic WebVoyage the "back", "forward", and "refresh" buttons do not work.
- In Voyager GDC after running a job the View Log, Delete Log, Get Result Files and Delete Result Files buttons are grayed out and there are no logs on the server
- In Voyager GDC changes to a data change rule's consequence are not showing up in Preview
- In Voyager Global Data Change is there a way to use a list of MFHD IDs to get a list of the associated BIB records so that I can make changes to them?
- In Voyager MarcExport some MFHDs cause the export to fail, coredump
- In Voyager Patron Self-Registration can the default patron status be set to "Active"?
- In Voyager when a record is deleted or purged, is it removed from the database?
- In WebVoyage, how should logout and be set?
- In which MARC field does Voyager store item barcode data?
- ISSN not matching when hyphen missing in EDI data
- Issues already bound in Bindery Maintenance reappear if copy PO and change Intended Location
- Is CentOS supported as an operating system for Voyager?
- Is Classic WebVoyage supported in Voyager 9 and 10?
- Is edit history included when exporting MARC records from Voyager?
- Is it a problem if Intended Location differs from Location in MFHD?
- Is it necessary to always have ODBC drivers?
- Is it possible to change maximum connections for z39.50 server? How?
- Is it possible to find out what operator has charged out books?
- Is it possible to make changes in bulk to Acq data?
- Is it possible to use patron's permanent address instead of temporary address on overdue notices?
- Is it required to run FPC?
- Is number same as ID when choosing ledgers for Acqjob 2?
- Is patron history retained if "Retain Patron ID for Circ History" box checked?
- Is read-only catalog (Continuous OPAC) during upgrade available?
- Is RHEL 8 supported for Voyager?
- Is there an easy way of finding when an operator last logged into Voyager?
- Is there an easy way to test my Voyager ODBC configuration to make sure my connection works?
- Is there an inventory program for Voyager?
- Is there an Oracle 11g ODBC Installation Guide?
- Is there a limit to how many line items can be added to a purchase order?
- Is there a limit to the number of records that can be linked in a Voyager bound-with situation?
- Is there a maximum number of item records on one Voyager holdings record?
- Is there a maximum number of records that can be included in a Voyager Pick and Scan job's input file?
- Is there a mobile page or version for WebVoyage?
- Is there a process for batch deletion with a MARC record file?
- Is there a single Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports table that has just the 856 links?
- Is there a tool that would run sample API calls?
- Is there a Voyager index that converts an ISBN 10 to an ISBN 13?
- Is there a way to add a Call Number option to the post-search "Sort By" dropdown box in Voyager WebVoyage?
- Is there a way to make the database label not appear on the search and results pages?
- Is there a way to mass-populate a default PIN for patrons?
- Is there a way to prevent PO cancellation notices from printing?
- Is there a way to protect patron data from being overwritten in Voyager?
- Is there a way to put Voyager clients in read-only mode for Alma cutover?
- Is the "S" really uppercase when using ls flag for sort by size?
- Is the data in the mfhd_item table stored in UTF-8 or some other character set?
- Is the Windows 7 64-bit operating system supported with Voyager?
- Is Tomcat Webvoyage WCAG compliant?
- Is Voyager compliant with the United States Government Configuration Baseline?
- Is Voyager supported on Windows 8.x?
- Is Voyager susceptible to blind SQL injection vulnerabilities?
- Is WebVoyage ADA compliant?
- Item's Historical Charges do not match rows in CIRC_TRANS_ARCHIVE and Historical Bookings always zero
- ITEM.HISTORICAL CHARGES greater than count of transactions in CIRC TRANS ARCHIVE
- Items are set as Lost immediately after Overdue and no fine generated
- item counters not updated when put in transit for hold requests
- Item default doesn't display in Cat when the same item type chosen in SysAdmin
- Item has 'scheduled' status without an open media booking
- "Item has an exception logged" when try to delete
- Item shows hold, but does not display associated patron
- Item Status 6 displays in WebVoyage
- Item status in Print and Export views displays “No information available”
- Item status shows as overdue despite being renewed
- item_stat_code_code_idx not unique after upgrade
- Java error "Error fetching patrons" when using the -i flag with a list of patrons for XML Patron Purge
- jobd dies and Scan Job killed when over certain number of Scan Rule Sets in Scan Rule Set Group
- Jobs in GDC queue never start
- Job logs message, "Unable to open {filename}"
- KEY: errno 22 Reattaching shared memory
- KEYSVR:not retrieving all results in large data sets
- Keyword phrase searching across subfields in Voyager
- Known Call Number search results do not display the Voyager record as expected
- KW: non-filing indicators and apostrophe prevent accurate kw search results
- LCCLASS_VW:error ORA-01722 invalid number
- LDR bytes 20-23 show as already corrected in before record when Preview in GDC
- Leave workstation, client gives RTE 440 and 65099 on return
- Ledger does not appear as option in Other Charges on PO or Invoice
- Library name diacritics display incorrectly in WebVoyage
- Library of Congress Classification Overview
- Limiting access to parts of Webadmin to specific users
- Line item always linked to existing mfhd if intended location matches mfhd location
- Line item cannot be marked from PO Recv/Mark button
- Line Item has been received and invoiced but continues to roll over, show on fund commitments in next fiscal year
- LINE_ITEM_STATUS_DESC in LINE_ITEM_STATUS uses 'Cancelled' instead of 'Canceled'
- Link from 856 $u in MFHD does not display in WebVoyage
- Link to Analyzer no longer works after Voyager upgrade
- Link to series from 8XX field in OPAC record
- List Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports queries added or modified since a specific date
- List Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports reports added or modified since a specific date
- List Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports tables added or modified since a specific date
- Loading EDI invoices changes PO status to Received Complete
- Loading updated bibliographic and authority records after vendor authority control work complete
- Local OPAC Preview Server gives "WebVoy?ge System Error"
- Locations Filter not populated when choose Call Number search in Cataloging
- Locations tab is not populating in Primo after editing Voyager Owning Library Display Name
- Location code DELETE cannot be used in data change
- Location limits not working in WebVoyage
- Location of bulk job logs when filepath not specified
- Location of Saved Records and Saved Searches in Voyager Prepackaged Reports
- Location of the authority loading features in Voyager Global Data Change (GDC)
- Location of Voyager circjob 26 output files
- log.pupd* error: "attempting to update existing barcode with blank barcode"
- Logging inconsistencies in BulkImport when PO mapped in "Orders" tab vs. not mapped
- Login Fails due to PoolableConnectionFactory Error
- Log message "Bib convert warning" or "MFHD convert warning" after Voyager regen or upgrade
- Log message "Call number normalization failure" after regen or upgrade
- Log message "Current permanent address is protected" after Patron Update
- Log message "Failed to generate paired fields for 880s" after regen or upgrade
- Look for blank indicator in bulk import rule?
- Lost fines/fees applied twice
- Lost items returned before fines are charged to bursar result in a credit to bursar SIF without a counteracting fine
- Lost item report has fewer records in Circulation namespace than in Cataloging?
- mail.subject value doesn't affect subject line of email
- Mail device configuration on Ex Libris servers and/or applications
- Maintenance and monitoring during large-scale data changes and updates
- Make a MARC subfield clickable (hyperlinked) in Voyager Tomcat Webvoyage
- Make Table queries in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Making an exported MARC record file "human readable"
- manage-01: Segmentation fault" occurs despite SP 3830
- Manage the Pick and Scan Server Logs
- Manually setting item statuses in Voyager and common uses of those statuses
- Many non-alphanumeric characters are ignored when creating patron barcodes
- Map price to item without Purchase Order?
- Marcexport:Bus error (coredump):Failed to reassemble bib record
- MARCEXPORT: -mS suppressed not working with -rH (export holding/mfhd)
- Marcexport exclude file does not exclude MFHD locations
- MarcExport generates records for deleted bib IDs
- MARCXML format support for import into Voyager of bibliographic records
- MARC 008 field in Voyager cataloging client is blank despite displaying data in the BIB_TEXT and BIB_INDEX tables
- MARC 868 fields display twice in the OPAC
- Match Job gives message "Mismatch between the encoding specified and the actual encoding leader byte of the source file" in GDC
- Maximum length of MARC records in Voyager
- Maximum number of Related Records to display in Voyager OPAC
- McAfee and other anti-virus programs prevent Voyager Reporter from sending out email notices
- Meaning of "Warning: No cat_control_barcode profile found" in BulkImport log file?
- Meaning of Global Headings Change log error: Heading changeable via name/title heading change only
- Key in times: Date Finished changes Date Needed
- Media: Boolean searching does not retrieve results.
- MEDIA: Incorrect availability for some bookings
- Media: no overdues for bookings if not all equipment/items returned
- mediajob:notices are sent to be printed at default print location
- Media Equipment form shows in Tomcat WebVoyage when patron not eligible for request
- Media Scheduling: "Requestor is not authorized to book equipment of this type"
- Media Scheduling error: "No Authorized Locations Found for Media"
- Memory fault(coredump) when running Pcatjob -j10
- Merge multiple ledgers into one ledger
- Message "Upload of FILENAME to /incoming/ failed. Error writing to file." when upload file via WebAdmin
- Message that call number is being saved as type "Other" in Voyager cataloging
- mfhdkeysvr:HKEY via Boolean keyword yields less than the Holdings Boolean
- MFHDs created in Acquisitions cannot saved/updated in Cataloging
- MFHD data displayed in Older Issues?
- MFHD records keyword indexed when indexing disabled
- MFHD records with no normalized call number?
- Missing Fund Type Name error when running Fund Snapshot Report (Acqjob 3) .inp file through Reporter
- Modification of BIB_TEXT subfields that display in the Voyager WebVoyage search results
- Modify due date does not update Overdue status to Charged
- Modify the "Login to your account" button in the upper right-hand corner of the WebVoyage OPAC
- Modify Voyager WebVoyage charged item renewal message text
- Move location of holdings information in Voyager WebVoyage OPAC display
- Move MARC field from bibliographic to holdings record using Voyager GDC
- MS:Backdating Discharge of media item Still Generates a Fine
- MS:Bookings sort incorrectly by end date
- ms:database media error when charging item with exceptional status
- MS:Equipment item with charged status not linked to a booking
- MS:Media scheduling crashes when calendar has 12:0x AM start time
- MS:rte 381 invalid array or property index deleting equip from search
- MS:view/add/update bookings can also cancel/delete
- MS:view only operator can't see full details of media item on booking
- MS: Automatically Charge New Pickup Bookings doesn't stay checked
- MS: Blank pop up charge note results in error
- MS: Blocked when booking equipment
- MS: Daily fines incrementing fractionally
- MS: Day View gives "Database Media Error!" if no 245 in bib
- MS: Media Scheduling ignores equipment policy settings
- MS: Overdue status is applied every time Mediajob 1 creates an overdue notice
- MS: selected room is not available for the following booking
- MS/WEBV:can place equip booking request w/o equip via WebV
- Multi-threaded extract completes but throws exception, missing log summary
- Multiple catsvrs deadlock in oracle under high system load
- Multiple copies created by EOD, but only one item record.
- My Account displays Select All multiple times.
- My account page slow to load; "Unable to connect to CLIO server" in log.voyager
- Names in Status Patron Group Messages are truncated
- Name/Title Validation applies title non-filing characters to name on search
- Name and Description do not display Unicode characters correctly in Voyager Global Data Change rules
- NCIP:Ampersand is not replaced in XML communications
- NCIP:First name doesn't come across with NCIP for Relais
- ncipsvr:unable to send communication to Voyager when title greater than 50-100 characters
- Negative current short loan counters preventing deletion of patron records
- New features in Global Data Change for Voyager 9.0
- New ledgers not added when click Next in ledger search
- New patron record fields not in SIF?
- New tables not linked
- NKEY search returns no results when search first name, last name
- NOISEWORDFILTER=Y is not filtering noisewords.
- non-keyword search types defined error in Cataloging
- Notices sent for items already discharged
- Not all Block Codes defined in pageProperties.xml
- Not all Charged Items display in WebVoyage MyAccount
- Not all EDI invoice line items linking when loaded
- NOT DELETED Database Error when running PpatronPrg
- No Enter Due Date box when charge non-circulating In Transit item
- No longer using Media Scheduling and want to delete the data
- No notices to process when there are circulation notices in the inp file; file is archived
- No options active to place items on Reserve
- No results for prepackaged item browse reports, error QE-DEF-0469, RQP-DEF-0606
- Number of Items and Status display when no items for holding
- Number of records in GDC Record Set limited when using MFHD Global Keyword search via Builder tab
- Obtain the DBKEY for working with Voyager Web Services
- OCLC tag table bib 9xx definitions are inconsistent
- ODBC Installation doc for Image Server
- ODBC Table Links not Persisting in Access Reports
- Once collapsed, can issues of a serial be uncollapsed?
- OPAC: Course Reserve info does not include department and course
- OPAC: Edit or remove "Back to Library List" (jumpBar) link in record display
- OPAC: Stale search ids in URLs generate a WebVoyage Error
- opacjob: search log: hyperlink always = 'N' when should be 'Y'
- OPACJOB - Bib Usage Log recording "G" client type
- OPAC Advanced searches all produce "Could not retrieve search name"
- OPAC keyword search on bib_id fails to retrieve results
- OPAC Preview Server gives 503 error in browser
- OPAC renewal displays error, but renewal succeeds
- OPAC search hung while Voyager still running
- OPAC Search Log has incorrect Client Type entries
- OPAC uses default skin instead of custom skin
- OPAC via Primo (OvP) not providing accurate data from Voyager in Primo
- Opening Cat and Acq clients causes "Unexpected error, quitting."
- Opening client produces Run-time error '339'
- Opening Reporter client gives error: "Cannot find crcnotes.mdb".
- Operator able to overlay records belonging to another owning library
- Operator can not create new publication patterns or search existing patterns in Voyager Acquisitions client
- Operator gets 'Failed to load security profile' error when logging into System Administration
- Operator receives RTE 13: Type mismatch error in Circulation upon discharging items or in Reporter when running archives
- Options for creating GDC Record Sets?
- Options to export Voyager patron data
- Option to do a Complete Install of all Voyager clients when performing a silent install using the .exe, .msi or .bat version of the installation package
- Option to specify how long Reporter retains archived files?
- ORA-01405 error when running Acq Open Orders Report
- ORA-03114 in acqjob.log after backup during FPC
- ORA-12154 when installing ODBC for Voyager
- ORA-12170 when installing ODBC for Voyager
- ORA-12514 when try to connect to Prepackaged Reports
- ORA-12541 TNS:no listener when trying to query Voyager
- ORA-28000 Unlocking an Oracle User
- ORA-28040 when using Oracle 10g Client with Voyager 10.2
- ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file error when running Voyager Pfpc_save
- Why are all emails from hosted Voyager envrionments sent from ''
- Outstanding hold/recall prevents deletion of bib record
- Overcommit/expend blocks show incorrect values
- Overlaying brief with full bib causes record to not be found in limit
- Overlay Bibliographic Records option missing from menu when upgrading to Voyager 9.2.0 or later
- Overnight Loans Due time ignored if In Effect time is set to midnight
- Overview of "Allow Multiple Instances of Bulk Import"
- Overview of "Bound Withs" in Voyager
- Overview of counting Reserves Circulation in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Overview of editing MARC tag tables for Voyager
- Overview of editing Voyager Circulation Notices and Reports
- Overview of generating reports and notices via Reporter
- Overview of getting started with Embedded Order Data (EOD) in Voyager
- Overview of library addresses in Voyager - where and how they appear
- Overview of Processing Locations in the Voyager Reporter Module
- Overview of Searching in the Voyager Cataloging Client
- Overview of setting up purchase orders and check-in records for periodicals in Voyager
- Overview of setting up SIP2 (Self Check) for Voyager
- Overview of the DEWEYCLASS_VW view in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Overview of the Voyager Circbib.cfg and Acqbib.cfg Bibliographic Templates
- Overview of the Voyager Fund Structure
- Overview of the Voyager patron record purge
- Overview of using Location fields in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Overview of using the call_no_type field in the MFHD_MASTER table in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Overview of using the LCCLASS_VW view in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Overview of using Voyager Global Data Change to add a new MARC field and subfield
- Overview of Voyager Acquisitions Fund Diagnostic and Repair Workflow
- Overview of Voyager Articles related to Alma migration
- Overview of Voyager batch forgive patron fines and fees jobs
- Overview of Voyager bulk import process
- Overview of Voyager cataloging client session defaults and preferences
- Overview of Voyager client installation process
- Overview of Voyager Complex Publication Patterns
- Overview of Voyager Course Reserve Workflow
- Overview of Voyager INI files
- Overview of Voyager Keyword Indexes
- OvP: cancelling hold produces "An unexpected error has occured."
- OvP: Item Information cannot be displayed in My Account
- OvP: Recalls do not work consistently in Primo
- Patrons with punctuation in names not fully normalized when imported via XML
- Patron API call returns localhost
- Patron blocks not displaying when no Patron Rules
- patron group dropdown doesn't sort alphabetically
- Patron has exceeded number of hold requests allowed for all item statuses in the library's group."
- Patron Import (XML) overwrites all patron notes with incoming noteList data
- Patron is unable to request via NCIP because of 'Max Items Borrowed for this Patron Group & Item Type' block
- Patron Notes dropdown for Note Type is empty
- Patron not retrieved when barcode entered in Request window in UB/Clustered environment
- Patron Pop-up note is blank if discharged item also has a Discharge note.
- Patron Purge (XML) gives "Error fetching patrons" message in log and doesn't run
- Patron Purge (XML) gives "log4j:WARN" messages at command line, doesn't running
- Patron Purge Java heap space error
- Patron SSNs display in "Multiple Patrons Found" via Charge feature
- Patron Update for Voyager TotalCare
- Patron update log: "The address record has an ending date which precedes the beginning date"
- Patron update log message "Name Type is missing from input file"
- Patron Update log shows Error Code -1843
- Patron Update produces error "Invalid record size!"
- Pcircjob 39 Patron Purge does not run from crontab after upgrade
- Pending ILL requests show incorrect expiration date and no status
- PERCENTAGE field in INVOICE_LINE_ITEM_FUND set to 100000000
- Perl script oai-pmh.cgi cannot open shared object file
- Permanent address requirement in Patron SIF
- Persistent Links don't include bib ID
- Persistent links do not work when copied to different browser
- Phantom serials issues appear in OPAC, but not Acquisitions
- Phone numbers don't save when creating duplicate patron
- Physical Description displays code instead of format type label for some description codes
- Pickup location changes when changing between title-level or copy-level
- Pick and Scan: Cannot delete holding when no item
- Pick and Scan: Location Name ---------- sets perm_location=0
- Pick and Scan "Update Item Status: Unable to delete. Item is currently blocked." for item that will be deleted
- Pick and Scan nulling "Suppress in OPAC" data from UNSUPPRESSED records when using "OK to export"
- Pick and Scan OCLC delete logs for bound withs
- Pick and Scan removing "Suppress in OPAC" from SUPPRESSED records when using "OK to export"
- Pick and Scan server log naming conventions
- Pjobd in maintenance mode & doesn't clear or start
- Pmarcexport with -aM flag produces warning for valid characters
- Pop-up appears when opening Voyager: "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes on this computer"
- Port forwarding using Voyager plink.exe
- Possible to cancel serial subscriptions (continuations) in Acquisitions?
- Possible to change fixed fields with GDC?
- Possible to extract all records in one Voyager process?
- PO line item cannot be received or marked
- PpatronExpX and PpatronPrg fails for 1000 records
- PpatronExpX does not extract barcodeModifiedDate
- PPR: BIB_ID data type inconsistent
- PPR: Error in Circulation Transactions by Dewey Decimal Classification
- PPR: EVENT.EVENT_XML gives error when called
- PPR: sorting queries with BIB_ITEM table results in error
- Pptrnextr Patron Extract does not run
- Pptrnupdt match on SSN creates duplicate patron records
- Prebulk: encoding level blank in mfhd
- Prebulk: FAQ
- PREPACKAGED REPORTS: Installing 64-bit ODBC Drivers
- Prepackaged Report is blank after supplying Ledger name criteria
- GDC Preview job change results in "Failed to retrieve preview records"; running job results in java error
- Preview records in GDC error: "No locations match"
- Primary phone number for Temporary Address cannot be deleted or phone type altered
- PRIMO: RTA sometimes returns "staff" location name instead of OPAC display name
- Primo export log error "Exception on getting MARC xxxxxx"
- Primo extract:doesn't export suppressed bibs linked to eitems or course res item
- Primo Extract: If ITEM_STATUS=0, extract does not extract all records eligible
- Primo extract creates empty tar.gz files
- Primo extract does not always include Course Reserve information for items on old edited lists.
- Primo Extract does not delete Suppressed Course Reserves when off reserve
- Primo extract does not extract titles of media items when discharged
- Primo extract from voyager generates logging errors
- Primo Extract is taking a long time after loading a large Voyager authority file
- Primo Selective extract fails - Could not find or load main class com.endinfosys.voyager.primo.PrimoExtract
- Print a reserve list in the Voyager circulation module
- Print button does not appear on Charge screen when "No Due Date Slip" is checked
- Problems installing or running New Books List
- Problem making short loan reservations when start time => midnight
- Problem setting hourly loans due at Close time
- Processing reports or notices in Reporter gives run-time error 58
- Provision of Data Services for Voyager Customers
- PSR: patron.html file not used by PSR?
- PTRNUPDT:if SIF has type 2 or 3, deletes all type 2 and 3 even without replace
- Publishing extract fails with Java heap space error
- P scripts: check for PIDs finds false matches
- Quebec" misspelled in Country.cfg
- Query for transactions does not include known transactions from end date
- Query on ITEM_STATUS_TABLE returns "does not exist"
- Query to find Tables in Voyager with a specific field (column)
- Ran FPC; did not choose all PO Types in Rollover Rule - do I have to restore?
- Ran FPC and nothing rolled over - do I have to run Pfpc_restore?
- Ran FPC but forgot to roll over one ledger; run FPC again?
- Re-sort keeps previous sort order for recurring records when print/email
- Re-sort results for search on custom keyword index kills opac session
- Real Time Availability (RTA) not providing accurate data from Voyager in Primo
- recalls of renewed items should only use recall return interval
- Receipt Printer Prints Due Date Slips Incorrectly
- Received Partial on PO when nothing received?
- Receive "At least one cataloging location is required" error at logon
- Receive "Cannot Accept Item" error in Relais
- Receive "No authorized locations found ... " when logging into Cataloging
- Receive "xxxx is a reserved search code. Please enter a different code" error when creating Holdings Keyword Index in Voyager SYSADMIN
- Receive "You are not authorized to receive this item for any location" when doing check-in or check history of serial in Voyager Acquisitions
- Receive the "Type mismatch in expression" error when running a query in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Receiving pop-up alerts for discharging reserve items post-upgrade
- Recently received/pending issues in Acquisitions do not appear in Primo
- Recent Issues display twice and include the journal title in Voyager WebVoyage
- Recognizing and searching for Voyager authority records
- Records aren't matching when using Update previously loaded MFHDs and/or Items
- Records printed in bold font
- Records with Armenian script fail MARC21 character set validation
- Records written to error file also imported into database
- Record character encoding does not match the import format: record skipped."
- Record deletions in Voyager extract for Primo
- Record has been indexed using the rules for the 'Other' call number type.
- Record hierarchy window not opening in Voyager cataloging client
- Record in import file failed the Unicode conversion. Unable to display the record
- "Record is in use" when try to delete Item Type in System Administration
- Record not viewable in WebVoyage
- Record sets can't be exported when record set name contains slash or pipe character
- Record set names with reserved characters not allowing Export
- Record update note_count failure in table "patron" in audit.dat
- Redirect on call number search doesn't work in 8.2.2
- Redirect Voyager server's "voyager" user's email to a different email account
- Reinstall or reconfigure ODBC for Voyager after an upgrade
- Relais: "Unable to Checkout Item. ERROR -- a database or system error occurred."
- Related bib is not found in WebVoyage
- Related Records do not display when starting session with permalink to bib in Classic WebVoyage
- Relink Prepackaged Reports after Upgrade
- Remove "Add to My List" link in the Voyager WebVoyage Action Box
- Remove "Save Search" button from the top left-hand corner of Voyager WebVoyage OPAC titles list
- Remove expired patron barcodes from patron records?
- Remove Inactive Checkboxes from Primo Find Databases Lightbox
- Remove option from the "Actions Bar" in the WebVoyage Titles List
- Remove physical items from a Voyager Course Reserve List
- Remove Recall option from Patron Requests screen in Voyager WebVoyage
- Remove the "Login to your account" button in the upper right-hand corner of the WebVoyage OPAC
- Remove the "Log in to your account" link in WebVoyage
- Remove the "My List" header button from the Voyager WebVoyage search screen
- Remove the Course Reserve tab from the Voyager Tomcat WebVoyage search page
- Remove WebVoyage footer tabs (buttons)
- Removing asterisk ("*") from Basic Search Code for GKEY makes Sort By label go blank for Relevance option in Voyager WebVoyage
- REP: Notices are not processed when patron last name is longer than 30 characters
- Replace deleted left-anchored index?
- Reporter does not produce Reports and Notices from external inp files
- Reporter hangs or stalls when attempting to send email notices to email server
- Reporter not emailing notices but configured to email in SysAdmin
- Reporter returns directory conflict error
- Reporter RTE when processing Circ transaction exceptions
- Report view saved with one login not runnable with another login.
- request form using first alphabetical pickup location rather than the default
- Required encoding for Voyager API XSDs
- Required fields in the XML patron schema
- Reserve items display problem
- Resources and FAQs for ODBC drivers for Prepackaged Reports
- Resources and FAQs for Patron Utilities in Voyager
- Resources and FAQs for Voyager Server Migrations
- Resources and FAQs for Voyager Upgrades
- Resources for cleanup of Voyager Course Reserve Data
- Resource Version Errors when launching System Administration module
- Restoring records deleted via Bulkimport
- Restricting the Oracle® Listener by IP Address
- Restrict Record Maintenance in Voyager SYSADMIN Patron Groups tab prevents staff from viewing patron record of who has the item checked out
- Restructure Current Ledger and/or Fund Hierarchy
- RHSA-2015:2199-6 Fix workaround in place FAILED in VIK
- RPT: Notice emails with post dated timestamp
- RPT Directory permission issue post 9.0.0 upgrade
- RTE 457/440 when entering record ids from Bound With hierarchy in Pick and Scan
- Run-time error 48 on one workstation when running Reporter
- Run-time error 6: Overflow when move client window between dual (multiple) monitors
- Run-time error 6: Overflow when using Voyager clients on Very Large (e.g., 4K) Monitors
- Running a quick search doesn't display the correct sort by option
- Running Keyword Regen via UTIL menu produces "The utilities required..."
- Running Voyager Reporter shows "Warning! The following operations contained error records which were not processed. Circulation Notices"
- Runtime error 40006 when logging into Reporter Client
- Run BulkImport in WebAdmin and nothing happens
- Run MARC Record Bulk Export in WebAdmin and nothing happens
- Run time errors 65099 and 440 When Viewing Result Files
- Run Time Errors When Validating 6XX.7 subject fields without subfield 2.
- SA:Historical or today's fiscal periods no longer display in client
- SA:Save button not active for databases with underscore characters
- SA:Users can set term loans for more than 1 term
- SA: Can save keyword search indexes with fewer than 4-character search code
- SA: Currency display is incorrect with Swedish Windows
- SA: Error when updating IP ranges in Access Control groups
- SA/Circ: Incorrect due time for hourly/minutely loan on exception date
- Save existing record to database in Cataloging gives error: "Unable to update this record."
- Saving BulkImport rule causes "Database Error. Return Code -1400"
- Saving imported records causes "Error #6 was generated by Cataloging Overflow"
- Saving in Cataloging produces "xxx field is not defined in your tag table."
- Saving record causes "VB error: Not enough memory to open another window."
- SA / GDC: Locations in GDC security profile can be deleted
- SC:routing/hold shelf slips for multiple requests
- Scheduled Analyzer reports fail after changing Voyager operator password
- SDI: Emails lack BodyN and SearchString variables
- SDI: opacjob emails do not include URL on AIX
- SDI emailed search URLs improperly formatted date limits
- SDI Options in WebVoyage (Tomcat UI)
- SEARCH: Builder Searches for URLs in Bib Records Do Not Work as Expected
- SEARCH: Subject headings keyword searches don't return 2nd ind. 7
- SEARCH: Suppressed MFHD not indicated in Holdings Index
- Searching broken from quick search box on OPAC homepage
- Searching in Voyager: special characters and punctuation normalization
- SEARCHPARM: missing LN variable for 3 left-anchored indexes
- SEARCHPARM Index Definition IDS=Y
- SearchService API not retrieving results when identical WebVoyage search is (???)
- SearchService returns ISBN in ISSN field
- Search fails in Cataloging when SHED suppressed
- Search for title in Serials Check-In causes RTE 65099
- Search hot link will not handle searches with plus signs
- Search in Cataloging client produces error: "Unable to parse MARC record"
- search redirect fails if it includes æ character
- Search results from STNO index not always accurate for search string
- Search results not showing Title in Tomcat WebVoyage
- Search results sorting by Index Column, rather than Primary Sort option selected for index
- Second re-sort retains previously selected records
- Security vulnerability issues – Basic troubleshooter
- See "Patron information is restricted" when attempting to view patron information via item record in Voyager Circulation
- Selected Patron Groups Unable to Place Call Slips
- Selecting Call Slip suspend message still allows users to submit requests.
- Selecting print preview just closes the report window
- Selection of Courtesy Discharge Route To location in Voyager Circulation not specific
- Select All Add to List does not work in WebVoyage
- SELF:Renews result in discharged items for changed patron groups and blocks
- SELF: 64 message incorrect when global charged items limit met
- SELF: Patrons not blocked in Patron Information Response (64) message
- SELF: Patron suspension block not preventing item checkout
- SELF: undo message does not remove fine
- SelfCheck: CT field not populating (SIP)
- Selfcheck unable to display large number of fine items
- Selfchk:ESIP: Create Bib Record request (message 81) don't have 004 in MFHD
- Selfchk:ESIP 15 message when receiving requested item in Relais crashes circsvr
- selfchk: items with holds not discharged
- SELFCHK: SIP/ESIP: How do I send article identifiers to Voyager when creating a hold from a self check machine with a 15/16 message pair?
- Self Check - patrons not blocked from charging items via SelfCheck
- Self Check - summary counts zero for blocked patron
- Serials issues show up in OPAC despite "Display in OPAC" set to No
- Server performance and large record loads?
- Setting "Display In OPAC" to No not working
- Setting printer for Voyager Circulation slips
- Setup and Configuration of XService?
- Setup Email Preferences to Subscribe to Ex Libris Mailing Lists
- Setup for communication with Voyager Self Check module
- Set Circulation to always print all charges in one receipt?
- Set Default Sort Order for Keyword Searches in Voyager
- Set ODBC File Permissions
- Set Up "Get Call Number from Bib Record" in Cataloging
- Set Up a Voyager Analyzer Login
- Set up mapping tab for BulkImport?
- Set Up SSH Port Forwarding in Putty
- Shelfcheck:recall items count is always 0
- Short loans, regular matrix loans are not properly truncated to closing time after 12am
- Should I create the patron statistical categories or load patron records first?
- Should I keyword index when I run a GDC data change job?
- Should I use bash when I SSH to Voyager server?
- Should Oracle CPU patches be applied?
- Should the 856 field go into the BIB record or the MFHD (holdings) record in Voyager?
- Shutdown errors in extract log?
- Simple overview of counting things in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Simple overview of totaling a value in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Simultaneous Search fails when boolean operators not included in keyword search definitions
- SIP2 Item Information Response (18) message sends bad data when barcode not found
- SIP - Contents of 98 BX field incorrect
- SL:can't cancel Unclaimed short loan booking
- SL:Unclaimed booking goes to Item Temp Unavail
- Slow call number browse in OPAC and clients after Voyager 10.2 upgrade
- SMS error when running circ jobs
- SMS messages fail due to missing parameters
- SMS messages fail with error 500
- SMS messages truncated when received by patrons
- SMS provider not receiving messages
- Social security number is masked in patron records, but not for all operators
- Some anti-virus software products may cause Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports to crash when running queries
- Some browsers error when LibGuides catalog discovery search boxes target Voyager Tomcat OPAC using HTTP
- Some records extracted with status = "deleted" in header when extracting Course Reserve data
- Some record titles not displayed in OPAC results view
- Some URLs stop processing of Cataloging report in Reporter
- Some Voyager scripts or utilities fail to run and give "Error: Could not find or load main class ..."
- Sort By and Limit Search options disappear after Sort By is used.
- Sort By drop-down is blank in results list after search from Advanced Search
- "Sort by" not working in OPAC search results lists
- Space between delimiter & subfield causes subfield to disappear
- Space instead of field separator when bib id single digit
- Special Character Entry/Mode sometimes unavailable
- SRU/SRW explain record gets no response
- SSL 3.0 Vulnerability ("POODLE")
- Staff clients available during upgrade?
- Staff experiencing issues with searching and saving records
- Staff Subject Subdivision searches fail if Subdivision Types Filter applied
- Standard Item Information Substitution Token does not work with holdings.item.status.1
- Statistical Category applied to item record despite Preferences set not to
- Steps for relinking item records in Voyager cataloging
- Steps for relinking MFHDs in Voyager cataloging
- Steps to modify due date in Voyager at time of charge or for an item already charged
- Steps used to create 035 field by Voyager Bulk Import
- Strategies for using BLOB functions in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Subqueries in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Subscribing to Knowledge Center resources to get answers before questions arise
- Successive Voyager GDC data change jobs running increasingly slower
- Summary Funds retain Override Rules in some circumstances
- Summary of steps for importing bibliographic records from MARC record files using the Voyager cataloging client
- Summary of steps for importing bibliographic records to a Purchase Order from MARC record files using the Voyager acquisitions client
- Summary of steps for loading a batch of electronic resources BIB records into Voyager
- Support policy for writing and troubleshooting custom SQL queries
- Suppressed bibs on expired course reserve lists extracted when set to Off Reserve
- Suppressed MFHDs unsuppressed when Holdings Location changed by Pick and Scan
- Suppressing location in SysAdmin does not suppress existing mfhds
- Suppress heading type from browse results
- Symbols and characters appear instead of dates in "Expected Issue" field in Acquisitions
- SYSADMIN:Change Base Currency:price PO/Invoice 10.00->10000,can't create item
- SysAdmin: circ policy definition: copied policies do not save changes
- SysAdmin: Connection lost, item stat cats appear to be deleted but are not
- SYSADMIN: RTE 381 in Bulk Import Rules for POs in DBs with many vendors
- SYSADMIN: Unable to remove item type/patron group combination from circulation policy matrix.
- SysAdmin: Why Can't Changes be Saved to New Index?
- SysAdmin calendar times revert to 12:00 or 00:00 upon save
- SysAdmin Doc reports deselecting locations in Owning Libraries
- System Administration Crashes When Backspacing AM/PM in Circulation Calendars
- System Administration Window Not Resizable
- System generated values in MARC control fields appear to be updateable in GDC
- System Number is retrieving multiple records in WebVoyage when accessed via deep link from an external interface.
- Tables that store patrons' saved searches and saved items data in Voyager
- Temporary location pre-pending ‘Temporarily shelved at’ to Voyager permanent location
- Temp Location and Temp Item drop-downs are grayed out in Voyager Cataloging
- Test sendmail on Voyager server?
- There are no files=string!" during AutoUpdate
- The ODBC Timeout property in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- The selfchk binary is confusing its messages with its logs
- This field is too small...” when importing Loansome Doc requests
- "This name already exists. Please enter a unique name." when adding Material Type in SysAdmin?
- Time Finished during noon hour with multiple bookings gives incorrect block
- Time not displaying correctly in Circulation
- Tips for Advanced Document Searching in the Customer Knowledge Center
- Tips for working with the Voyager Global Headings Change Queue
- Title bar in Voyager cataloging client does not display Unicode characters
- Title does not always appear in Invoice QuickLineItem window
- Title field labeled Author in WebVoyage search results
- Title label missing in EndNote record export
- Title not displaying in results for some records after regen
- TKEY Searches ending in punctuation preceded by a space fail in Tomcat Webvoyage
- Tomcat 7 hung on Voyager 9 server
- Tomcat fails on or shortly after start with FATAL or SEVERE errors in catalina.out
- Tomcat OPAC interface displays data from wrong instance
- Tomcat process won't start
- Tomcat WebVoyage 8.2.0 external patron authentication
- Transactions for fund do not appear immediately
- Treatment of records when suppression status changes in Voyager extract for Primo
- Troubleshoot patron being blocked in Voyager Self Check
- Trying to delete patron record and receive "Unable to delete patron" error
- Trying to use "Relink" button on invoice results in error
- Types of Voyager index "regens" (keyword and beyond)
- UB: "Pick Up At" does not refresh when Pickup library changed
- UB: orphaned entries in ub request table
- UB: Request form not available if local db not selected
- ub/circ:if mod_op in patron table not SYS-UB, name not updated
- UB/Circ:unhelpful error message when attempt UB charge at wrong location
- UB item cannot be discharged
- UB Requests expire immediately when discharged
- UB Request form is not available in remote database
- UB / RESTful APIs: stub name deleted by renewal
- Unable to access Report Studio
- Unable to Access webadmin
- Unable to add record set from IDs in GDC
- Unable to alter due date after recall cancelled
- Unable to change begin/end date of fund
- Unable to collect fines in Circulation; "Post" button greyed out
- Unable to create booking for specific date
- Unable to delete fund because in use on PO or Invoice error
- Unable to delete holdings record in Cataloging
- Unable to delete mfhd record; outstanding request exists
- Unable to delete patron when call slip counter non-zero
- Unable to delete patron when patron data missing from PATRON table
- Unable to determine how multiple bibs linked to mfhd or how to unlink
- Unable to edit patron, default date error
- Unable to edit pending requests from patron window in circulation client
- Unable to find record using title keyword search with "as a phrase"
- Unable to generate MFHD with specific indicators in 856 via Prebulk
- Unable to Modify Fine/Fee for stub patrons
- Unable to re-link holding to different bib since bib linked to PO
- Unable to receive line item - Recv/Mark button inactive
- Unable to regen MFHD keyword files during keyword regen from Util menu
- Unable to remove Temp Location, Temp Item Type from Item; returns BatchCat error 42
- Unable to renew in WebVoyage when at max global limit
- Unable to save record, logs input error
- Unable to save record with extended fund allocation when total percentage doesn't equal 100
- Unable to save Reserve List in Circulation; Save button inactive
- Unable to search headings in Voyager OPAC and in cataloging client
- Unable to search via z39.50 after making initial connection to z3950svr for xxxdb
- Unable to sort by Patron ID in Search Borrowing requests
- Unable to unsuppress MFHD using Voyager Pick and Scan
- Unauthorized headings report inserts character when heading is max length
- Understanding the INDEXRULES field in the Voyager SEARCHPARM table
- Understanding the Voyager Preview Server
- Unexplained expenditures show in ledger/fund display as well as fund transaction table in Voyager
- Unicode characters not displaying correctly for Oracle ODBC 19c drivers in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Unicode formatting characters do not validate with MARC21 character set validation enabled
- Uniquely identify a Fund in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Universal Catalog is not writing MFHD deletes to deleted.mfhd.marc
- Unlink unused names from Voyager Course Reserve List
- Unreceived serials issues displaying in Primo
- Update /etc/acct/holidays with New Holidays
- Update Item Status: Unable to update. Item is in circulation." Why?"
- "Update Previously Loaded MFHDs and/or Items" does not update holdings records
- Update previously loaded only matches vendor number in first instance of tag
- Update previously loaded only uses first call number in hierarchy
- Update Related Records using Pick and Scan
- Update SEARCHPARM values for Composite index when resolving conflicts for upgrade?
- UPGRADE: password expire set to ##, barring operator login
- Upgrade logs Circ Location Error (PROBLEM #102855/KB ITEM 16384-23761 FOUND)
- Upgrading Voyager and also have Primo?
- URL returned by Patron API is invalid
- URL to Join the Voyager Customer Listserv
- User cannot retrieve Ledger in Acquisitions
- Use MarcExport to export all authority records from Voyager
- Use of NULL value in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Use of Outer Joins in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Use of the MARC*_VW tables in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Use PIN alone to login to Voyager WebVoyage
- Use Voyager Bulk Import to create a single MFHD for an existing bib record that has no holdings record
- Using Access 2007 or 2010 with Reporter causes utility.mda file error
- Using Conditionals in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Using dates as criteria in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Using Offline Circulation during a Voyager upgrade
- Using sqlplus to test ODBC connection to Voyager server
- Using telnet as a tool for troubleshooting connection problems on hosted Voyager servers
- Using the CCur function in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
- Using the SQL query pass-through option in Voyager PrePackaged Access Reports
- Using VIK to apply Oracle PSU to local environment
- UTIL: Cannot run keyword regen: "An index regen is currently running for xxxdb"
- Vendor Account specified in import rule not added to order during import
- VGER missing as a DSN when linking tables
- Viewing Holdings Information Loses Checkbox Information
- Viewing System Status for SaaS Environments
- Viewing the added and built-in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports functions
- Voucher/check request prints with account total tripled
- Voy-Primo Extract:if no item type/loc info on rsv list, no course rsv info extracted
- Voy-Primo extract:improper marc tags in deleted bibs cause extract to die
- VOY:Barcodes do not print
- voy:Thousands of items take a long time to return full XML list from VXWS
- VOY: Encrypt=Y doesn't work on fresh install
- VOY: http POST of non-bib records results in error or incorrect record in WebV
- VoyagerInstall.msi: no GDC flag for EIS_APP=
- VoyagerInstall.msi doesn't install without Administrator rights
- Voyager "Fund Transactions - All" prepackaged report produces no data when there is a hyphen in the ledger name
- Voyager 7: WebVoyage: Background Color
- How to Change the Library and Database Names in Voyager WebVoyage OPAC
- Setting the default skin in WebVoyage
- What is the start/stop order for Tomcat?
- Voyager Acquisitions keyboard shortcuts
- Voyager Acquisitions Receive/Mark Window allows operator to save to locations outside of policy
- Voyager Acquisitions Start Over button does not respond after closing Route Serial Issue
- Voyager Analyzer Scheduled Reports Fail after Upgrade
- Voyager ASCII OPAC overview
- Voyager AutoUpdate fails on Windows 7 and Windows 8
- Voyager bibliographic record linking feature "Prev" and "Next" buttons in full record display do not move to the correct record
- Voyager BulkImport using -b and -e parameters returns no errors but 0 records are processed
- Voyager Bulk Export MARC record output character set
- Voyager Bulk Export will not process line if it does not end with a \n ("line feed" in unix or "carriage return" in Windows)
- Voyager Cataloging: Tips and Tricks
- Voyager Cataloging mandatory fields for bibliographic, holdings and authority records
- Voyager cfg , ini and tag table files shipped with clients are in read only mode
- Voyager CIRCCHARGES_VW view undercounts charge transactions when compared with CIRC_TRANSACTIONS and CIRC_TRANS_ARCHIVE tables
- Voyager Circulation client RTE 381 "Invalid property array index" when linking course reserves list to courses
- Voyager Circulation keyboard shortcuts
- Voyager client tips and tricks
- Voyager combined BIB keyword (e.g., GKEY) and MFHD keyword search does not return all results for large result sets
- Voyager dailybackup script fails every other day.
- Voyager GDC Scan Rule Set with two conditions
- Voyager Global Data Change "Change Owning Library" and "Suppress" and "Unsuppress" consequences require "Update Location" drop-down be configured in Submit Data Change dialog box
- Voyager Global Data Change job does not change status from Kill to Killed
- Voyager Global Data Change Preview has "Failed to retrieve preview records" error
- Voyager Global Data Change Window can't be resized
- Voyager Gobal Data Change replace part of a string
- Voyager Headings Change Queue tables
- Voyager hold shelf expiration date and library closed days
- Source of Voyager ITEM_VW view's Item Type and Location fields
- Voyager MarcExport best practices, timing and space considerations
- Voyager modules fail to start: "Unknown Error - - 10053"
- Voyager OPAC Holds not working for specific patron groups
- Voyager OPAC Special Search Characters
- Voyager operator without permissions can view patron data from discharge screen
- Voyager Patron Self-Registration receive "An error occurred while adding patron information. Please consult the Circulation Desk for assistance"
- Voyager Pick and Scan Overview
- Voyager Pick and Scan reports "item not found" when using Process File button
- Voyager PpatronPrg (Patron Purge) use of -i parameter with -p and -e parameters
- Voyager PpatronPrg (Patron Purge) where does Patron ID input file need to be placed when using the -i parameter
- Voyager PrePackaged Access Reports "file may be corrupt" error
- Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports SQL and Microsoft Office "smart quotes"
- Voyager Reporter produces "Failure Recovery Run" error and "The previous execution of the Voyager Reporter FAILED!" error when running circulation notices
- Voyager Reporter RTE 2213 when printing reports or notices