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    OPAC: Change Text of No-Hits Message

    Created By: Laura Guy
    Created on: 5/14/2019

    [This article was copied from the Voyager Wiki.]


    This relates to the "New" Tomcat WebVoyage that is included in Voyager 7.0.1 and forward.

    Out of the box the tomcat version of WebVoyage includes specific text when errors or blocks are received from the server. For example, there is the NOHITS message. You may want to change the text of that message.

    Change NOHITS text

    You will need to edit the pageProperties.xml file found here: 


    Code Example

    Read the comments (designated by the lines with ##) and then carefully examine the last two lines of code below. 

    <!-- ## Override [blockCode] [errorCode] or [requestCode] messages


            ## The following XML is a place to define what text appears in the interface when we get a <page:message> block

            ## from the server (enable debug in frameWork.xsl to reveal the showXML button in the interface to view XML data)

            ## At this point the following are just overrides to the text that comes back in the XML


            ## For Example given the following XML block


            ##  <page:message>

            ##     <page:message blockCode="" errorCode="searchResults.noHits" requestCode="">No hits.<page:message>

            ##  </page:messages>


            ## we have an errorCode of 'searchResults.noHits'

            ## so we create a <pageMsg> with an errorCode attribute matching what we want to override with a block of text or HTML


            ##   <pageMsg errorCode="searchResults.noHits">Search resulted in no hits. You may want to check your spelling and try again.</pageMsg>


            ## Hopefully this makes life a little easier, in the future I would like all pageMessages to be defined here



          <pageMsg blockCode="PATRONMSG">

             <p class="blockMessage">

             You may not have entered your barcode and name correctly.

             <br/>Retry your request or ask for help at the Circulation or Reference Desk.



          <pageMsg blockCode="PATRONSOCMSG">

             <p class="blockMessage">

             You may not have entered your social security number and name correctly.

             <br/>Retry your request or ask for help at the Circulation or Reference Desk.



          <pageMsg blockCode="PATRONIIDMSG">

             <p class="blockMessage">

             You may not have entered your institution id and name correctly.

             <br/>Retry your request or ask for help at the Circulation or Reference Desk.



          <pageMsg blockCode="PATRONBRIEFMSG">

             <p class="blockMessage">

             The system could not identify you from your ID number alone.

             <br/>Please choose your home library and ID number type on this form and try again,

             <br/>or ask for help at the Circulation or Reference Desk.



          <pageMsg errorCode="searchResults.noHits">Search resulted in no hits. You may want to check your spelling and try again.</pageMsg>


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