Staff Clients: Voyager Record Delete
Created By: Paul Asay
Created on: 5/15/2019
[This article was copied from the Voyager Wiki.]
Bulk delete Voyager records by Voyager Record ID. You can delete one record, multiple records within a sequence, or a list of record id's within a text file. You can delete Bib, Item, Authority, or Holdings records. Uses the BatchCat functions supplied by Ex Libris, and documented by Gary Strawn. batchcat.dll.
* notes by Cindy Greenspun: there’s no download but links to a website so users may download per Voyager versions which stop at release 7.2 (March 2009). This may no longer be viable as I believe that the ‘lowest’ release number any institution may be using would be 8.1. I wrote to Mike Dicus to check.