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    Voyager to Alma Migration Query: Identify MFHDs where 866 subfield 8 is 0 (zero)

    Created By: Laura Guy (contact)
    Created on: 10/20/2020

    When migrating from Voyager to Alma you may want to identify and review those MFHDs that have an 866 subfield 8 encoded as "0" (zero). 

    These two queries, which can be run using Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports, first create a table where there is an 866 subfield 8.  The second query then checks the table for those subfields which are encoded with "0".

    NOTE that the first query is a BLOB query and can take a long time to run.

    Run this query first to create your table:

    SELECT MFHD_MASTER.MFHD_ID, MFHD_MASTER.RECORD_TYPE, getfieldall(getmfhdblob([mfhd_id]),'866','8') AS mfhd866subf8 INTO mfhds_866subf8_table

    Then run this second query to check the results of the first for any row where subfield 8 is "0":

    SELECT mfhds_866subf8_table.MFHD_ID, mfhds_866subf8_table.mfhd866subf8
    FROM mfhds_866subf8_table
    WHERE (((mfhds_866subf8_table.mfhd866subf8) Like "*0*"));

    For other queries that may be useful, see my "Surviving Almanado: tips for a successful pre-implementation" presentation's Accompanying Materials.
    Posted as is. If you need assistance in running custom SQL queries in Prepackaged Access Reports, consult the Voyager Customer Listserv.