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    Voyager to Alma Migration Query: Identify Never Used or Seldom Used Circulation Matrices

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    When migrating from Voyager to Alma it may be helpful to identify and evaluate never used or seldom used circulation matricies.  Four queries are provided. The first two queries will help you to identify the matricies.  The additional two queries will help you to identify the patron groups/item types used in the matrices.

    Note that there are sets of queries because never used versus seldom used require different logic.

    Note also that this is optional and that you may want to consult with your migration team before embarking on any related data cleanup.

    NOTE that these are Pass Through SQL queries.

    The following four queries are pass through queries.


    Never used:

    SELECT circ_policy_matrix_id
    FROM circ_policy_matrix
    WHERE circ_policy_matrix_id not in
    (SELECT distinct(circ_policy_matrix_id) FROM circ_transactions);


    Seldom used:

    SELECT count (*), circ_policy_matrix_id
    FROM circ_transactions
    GROUP BY circ_policy_matrix_id having count (*) < 5;


    Remember that you can not delete a matrix if there are active transactions.


    Find patron groups/item types used in never used matrices:

    a.circ_policy_matrix_id, a.circ_group_id, b.circ_group_id, b.circ_group_name, c.patron_group_id, c.patron_group_name, d.item_type_id, d.item_type_name
    circ_policy_matrix a, circ_policy_group b, patron_group c, item_type d
    a.circ_group_id = b.circ_group_id
    and a.patron_group_id = c.patron_group_id
    and a.item_type_id = d.item_type_id
    and a.circ_policy_matrix_id not in
    (SELECT distinct(circ_policy_matrix_id)
    FROM circ_transactions);

    Find patron groups/item types used in seldom used matricies:

    a.circ_policy_matrix_id, a.circ_group_id, b.circ_group_id, b.circ_group_name, c.patron_group_id, c.patron_group_name,
    d.item_type_id, d.item_type_name
    circ_policy_matrix a, circ_policy_group b, patron_group c, item_type d
    a.circ_group_id = b.circ_group_id
    and a.patron_group_id = c.patron_group_id
    and a.item_type_id = d.item_type_id
    and a.circ_policy_matrix_id > 0;


    For other queries that may be useful, see my "Surviving Almanado: tips for a successful pre-implementation" presentation's Accompanying Materials.
    Posted as is. If you need assistance in running custom SQL queries in Prepackaged Access Reports, consult the Voyager Customer Listserv.


    • Article last edited: 06-Apr-2021