Voyager to Alma Migration Query: Identify MFHDs that Contain 852 subfield c
When migrating from Voyager to Alma, you may want to identfy and clean up any MFHD record that has an 852 subfield c. In the migration to Alma, data in 852 subfield c must be moved to another subfield to make room for the shelving location. Libraries may want to review any records with 852 subfield c and correct the data in advance of their migration.
These two queries, which you can run using Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports, can help you identify those records.
Additional Information: Alma uses a two-tiered approach for describing holdings locations. The 852$b contains the Alma Library name, and the 852$c contains the holdings location code for the holding. During migration, a library's 852$b data will be moved to 852$c data; and by default, 852$c data will be moved to 852$k. A library may choose to name a different subfield for the existing 852$c data during migration. Alternatively, libraries may wish to review and deal with any existing 852$c data before migration.
NOTE that the first query is a BLOB query and can take a very long time to run.
Make table query: Save this query and run it before running the Main Query:
Replace(getfieldraw(getmfhdblob([mfhd_id]),'852',1),Chr(31),'$') AS mfhd852
INTO mfhds_w_852_raw_tbl
Main Query (uses the previous table):
SELECT mfhds_w_852_raw_tbl.MFHD_ID, mfhds_w_852_raw_tbl.SUPPRESS_IN_OPAC,
mfhds_w_852_raw_tbl.DISPLAY_CALL_NO, mfhds_w_852_raw_tbl.NORMALIZED_CALL_NO,
FROM mfhds_w_852_raw_tbl
WHERE (((mfhds_w_852_raw_tbl.mfhd852) Like "*$c*"));
For other queries that may be useful, see my "Surviving Almanado: tips for a successful pre-implementation" presentation's Accompanying Materials.
Posted as is. If you need assistance in running custom SQL queries in Prepackaged Access Reports, consult the Voyager Customer Listserv.