Voyager to Alma Migration Query: List of ISSNs and titles for all serials (bib level of s) whose MFHDs are not suppressed
Created By: Laura Guy (contact)
Created on: 11/06/2020
When you migrate from Voyager to Alma it may be helpful to produce a list of titles and ISSNs for all serials (bib level 's').
This query provides a list of ISSNs and titles for all serials (bib level 's') in the collection, omitting records whose MFHD is marked as suppressed from the OPAC. Records without ISSNs are excluded.
The following query can be run using Voyager's Prepackaged Access Reports. Note that it can take a number of minutes to run.
SELECT DISTINCT utf8to16([bib_text].[ISSN]) AS ISSN, utf8to16([bib_text].[TITLE_BRIEF]) AS TITLE_BRIEF FROM (BIB_MFHD INNER JOIN BIB_TEXT ON BIB_MFHD.BIB_ID = BIB_TEXT.BIB_ID) INNER JOIN MFHD_MASTER ON BIB_MFHD.MFHD_ID = MFHD_MASTER.MFHD_ID WHERE (((utf8to16([bib_text].[ISSN])) Is Not Null And (utf8to16([bib_text].[ISSN]))<>" ") AND ((MFHD_MASTER.SUPPRESS_IN_OPAC)<>'Y') AND ((Mid([bib_format],2,1))='s'));
For other queries that may be useful, see my "Surviving Almanado: tips for a successful pre-implementation" presentation's Accompanying Materials.
Posted as is. If you need assistance in running custom SQL queries in Prepackaged Access Reports, consult the Voyager Customer Listserv.