BULK: Failed to add mfhd record to database -- invalid location.
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.0
Issue number: 16384-18609
Module: bulkimport, may also affect catsvr
Server platform affected: Linux only
PC OS: n/a
Browser & version: n/a
Releases replicated in: 8.1.x
Last version without bug: 8.0.0
Expected results: If create mfhd is selected in the Bulk Import Rule, a mfhd would be created when bulkimport is run.
Actual results: If create mfhd is selected in the Bulk Import Rule, a mfhd is not created when bulkimport is run if the Call Number Hierarchy does not match the incoming bib’s tag.
For example, if the Call Number Hierarchy is matching on the 099c and the bibs you are importing have a 099a. For some reason, bulkimport doesn't create the mfhd and reports that the location is "invalid" (that's the bug, the system should be creating the mfhd and assigning no call number). But, if the incoming bib has a 099c the mfhd is created. Or if the incoming bib doesn't have a 099 at all, it creates the mfhd.
Workflow implications: Users will think there’s a problem with the location. Also, no mfhd is created which means that the user must manually create the mfhds or use the workaround below to prevent this from happening.
Replication steps:
1. In the SysAdmin module, under Cataloging, click on Call Number Hierarchy.
2. Create a new Hierarchy that is set to match on 099c (but please note that it could be any tag or tags).
3. Then, create a Bulk Import Rule that is set to create a mfhd (e.g. “Bibs, MFHDs”, “Bibs, MFHDs, POs”, “Bibs, MFHDs, Items”, “Bibs, MFHDs, multiple items”) under Single MFHD or Multiple MFHDs. In the Mapping tab, make sure to select the Call Number Hierarchy you created.
4. Have a bib record with a 099a tag.
5. Import the bib using bulkimport and the Bulk Import Rule.
6. Check the import log in the /rpt (log.imp.yyyymmdd.hhmm). It will report
No MFHD created.
Failed to add mfhd record to database -- invalid location.
Workaround: Review the incoming file of bibs to see what tags are included and then remove those tags from the Call Number Hierarchy if they are not an exact match.
Fixed in bulkimport for 8.2.0.
- Article last edited: 3/2/2015