CAT: Bib record now showing up as a mfhd
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9
Problem Symptoms:
* Search for and open a specific bib record, and it displays as a mfhd.
* Shows as linked to bib record linked to matching mfhd_id
* Unable to update the record in Cataloging and save as a bib.
The Leader value in the record is formatted and has values as for a holdings record, despite containing bib data.
1. Check the tables bib_master, bib_text and bib_data for the record to ensure these are all populated for the record that shows up as a bib.
2. Update the LDR using Global Data Change (GDC)
2.a. Create Data Change Rule:
2.a.i. Condition: MARC Control Field Exists
2.a.ii. Field: LDR
2.b.i. Consequence: Replace String with String
2.b.ii. Select Field : Control Field: LDR
2.b.iii. Replace string: {paste existing LDR field here}
2.b.iv. With string: {insert the desired bib format LDR field you wish to use here}
3. Add Data Change Rule to Data Change Rule Set
4. Create Record Set using Specific Records and adding only the affected bib record to the record set.
5. Preview the change in Preview tab and/or by running the Data Change Job in Preview mode ("Do not update database").
6. If preview successful, run Data Change Job to update database.
Category: Cataloging
- Article last edited: 5/29/2014