CAT:can't save, delete, regen w/record at 99KB
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.2.3
Problem Symptoms:
* Voyager allows a record near 99KB to be saved to the database; however, a MFHD regen that hits this record will abort with a segmentation fault, and the record cannot be resaved/deleted in the Cataloging client.
* Keyword regens fail with "Indexgen failure - Aborting!"
This behavior is the result of Issue 16384-16770.
Issue 16384-16770 is fixed in Voyager 8.2.1 and higher.
Additional Information
Replication steps:
1. Create a new bib record.
2. Create an associated MFHD that is 99KB.
3. Save the MFHD to the db.
4. Try to edit the MFHD and resave or delete the MFHD ? you?ll get run time error 440/65099.
5. If you try to run a MFHD regen, the regen will abort with a segmentation fault.
The same issue also occurs for bibliographic records at similar size.
Category: Cataloging
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013