CAT/ACQ: Cat in the Acq / Acq in the Cat isn't working
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.2
Issue number: 16384-18977
Module: Cataloging and Acquisitions
Server platform affected: N/A
PC OS: All
Browser & version: N/A
Releases replicated in: 8.1.2
Last version without bug: 8.1.1
Expected results: Users should be able to use Cataloging in Acquisitions in order to be able to view related data from one client in the other.
Actual results: When using Cataloging in Acquisitions or Acquisitions in Cataloging, users get the following error message: “An error occurred while trying to display the line item in Acquisitions” or the abbreviated Acquisitions MARC form opens, instead of opening in Cataloging.
Workflow implications: Operators’ workflows are inhibited.
Replication steps:
Log into Cataloging; find a bib that is linked to a line item. From the Record menu, choose “View Line Items in Acquisitions.” An error message appears: “An error occurred while trying to display the line item in Acquisitions.”
Log into Acquisitions; pull up a purchase order. Highlight a line item and choose an option that links to Cataloging, such as “MARC…”, “Detailed Line Item > MARC…”, etc. The abbreviated Acquisitions MARC form opens, instead of opening in Cataloging.
Workaround: None.
Fixed with new 8.1.2 clients.
- Article last edited: 3/5/2015