CIRC : other overdue notice not sent on expected day for hourly loans
- Article Type: Known Issue
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
* Notice for overdue hourly loans skip are created every other day when interval is set to 1.
Defect Status
Issue VYG-6299 is resolved for Voyager 9.2.0 and higher.
Replication Steps
1. Go to System Administration > Circulation > Policy Definitions > Matrix tab > Interval tab.
2. Set Loan period to hour.
3. Set Other (Overdue) Notice Count greater than 1.
4. Set Other (Overdue) Notice Interval = 1.
5. Go to Circulation > Charge.
6. Charge an item out with Patron Group / Item type from step 1.
7. Let item go overdue.
8. Run Circjob 12 daily.
9. The first overdue notice is created as expected.
10. The second overdue notice is created two days later instead of one.
11. The final overdue notice is correctly created one day after the prior notice.
Set other overdue notice interval to 0.
Category: Batch jobs
- Article last edited: 11/4/2014