Can I back out GDC changes to mfhds with attachments?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.0.0
Can I back out Global Data Change changes to mfhds with attachments?
Yes, but the process is slightly different than for bibliographic and authority records. Typically, you would use Pbulkimport to reimport your "before" records if you need to back out a GDC change. However, BulkImport cannot replace mfhds that have attachments. In this case, you would need to execute a second data change on the same set of records to revert them to their previous state OR if you've deleted data from the mfhd records, to manually add it back in.
Support strongly recommends previewing all data changes before committing them to the database.
Additional Information
See Global Data Change document chapter 8, "Troubleshooting" for more information on backing out data changes.
Related KB, "How does GDC handle mfhds with attachments?"
Category: Global data change (GDC)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2019