Can line item be deleted from Approved purchase order?
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: all
Can a line item be deleted from a purchase order with Approved status?
No - a line item cannot be deleted from an Approved purchase order.
Additional Information
When the status of a PO is changed to Approved, the data that can be changed becomes more limited. The Price, Intended Location, Ledger/Fund, and Link to Holdings data of line items on approved POs can be edited, but the line item cannot be deleted.
There are a couple of other options for the line item: a) delete the PO completely, or if that's not possible because other line items need to be retained, b) cancel the line item or c) copy the PO (with components re-linked if there are other lines with components that should be retained), delete the line item on the new PO, and then delete the old PO.
- Article last edited: 10-Oct-2022