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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Error with renorm.exe during Voyager 7.2.0 upgrade

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.2.0

    Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-11090

    Module(s): renorm.exe
    Server platform(s) affected: All
    PC OS (if applicable): N/A
    Browser & version (if applicable): N/A

    Release(s) replicated in: 2007.2.0
    Last version without bug (if applicable): N/A

    Expected results:
    elink_index.link_text_normal record lengths of up to 1024 bytes should be processed, since that column is defined as varchar(1024) in the database schema

    Actual results:
    renorm.exe gives memory error when processing elink_index.link_text_normal value of length > 1000.

    Source code inspection of renorm shows that there are several points in the code where a fixed-length buffer of 1000 bytes is declared.

    Workflow implications: renorm.exe fails for large records

    Replication steps: Execute with elink_index.link_text_normal data of greater than 1000 bytes


    • Article last edited: 3/18/2015