Find the number of bibliographic records (BIB, MFHD, etc.) in Voyager
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
What are the number (or record "counts") of bibliographic records (BIB, MFHD, etc.) in Voyager?
There are three ways you can find the number of records in Voyager
- One of the easiest ways is to go into your Prepackaged Access Reports, and then go to the left hand side of the Access screen. At the top of the navigation pane select the drop-down menu, and change the selection to "Forms". Run the "Voyager Record Counts" Form.
- This form will show you the counts for all record types in Voyager, including all bibliographic record types (including Items, unexpired Patrons, etc.). There is also a "Voyager Record Counts" canned report you can run.
- Another easy way to get the counts of bibliographic records is to login to your Voyager server as the voyager user via SSH, and run the UTIL menu (Library Utilities). Select menu option S (Linux Maintenance Activities), and then select option A (System Review). This will provide counts of your Authority, BIB, and MFHD bibliographic records. See the Voyager UTIL Menu Guide for more information.
- You can also create queries in Prepackaged Reports to Count the number of rows in a given table (for example, the AUTH_MASTER table. Here's an example of such a query:
Finding the highest record ID
The preceding three methods do not show you the "highest" (or "max" or "maximum") record ID (e.g., the "highest" BIB_ID number or the "highest" AUTH_ID number). Remember that BIB_ID numbers are not "reused" after a record is deleted, so the highest BIB_ID number does not reflect whatsoever the number of records. The following is an example Prepackaged Reports query to get the highest (e.g., maximum) BIB_ID number:
Additional Information
Note that the three methods outlined above should all provide the same metrics for bibliographic records, and are counting the number of rows in the appropriate tables to come up with the data value.
Note also that these three methods count both unsuppressed and suppressed bibliographic records. See also: Does the "Voyager Record Counts" report included with Prepackaged Access Reports incorporate suppressed records?
Note also that the patron count in the Voyager Records count only includes unexpired patrons. See: Why is the patron count in Voyager Record Count in Prepackaged Reports lower than the total count of rows in the patron table?
Constructing custom SQL queries by request and troubleshooting unexpected results from customer-created SQL queries falls outside the scope of Support. The above has been posted for informational purposes. Voyager-L and Developer Network are useful resources for finding helpful custom SQL or obtaining assistance from peers in troubleshooting custom queries.
- Article last edited: 05-Sep-2019