GDC:Specific Records:Run-time error 65099 then 440 for more than 20K records
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.0
Bug Report Issue 16384-18561
Module: GDC
Releases replicated in: 8.1.0 and 8.1.1
Expected results: To be able to create a new set via Specific Records for 20000 or more records.
Actual results: Client gives run-time error 65099, then run-time rror 440. The client closes. When go back in, you will see 0 records in the set.
Workflow implications: Customers who are getting large sets; it is very tedious splitting them up into smaller sets to save them into a record set.
Replication steps:
Do a SQL query for 20000 or more bib, auth, or mfhd ids. Save the ids in a text file on your PC.
Log in to GDC and navigate to Record Sets tab.
Click on Specific Records.
Select bib, mfhd or auth for Record type.
Under Select Records, click on Record List and select the list of ids from your SQL query
Click on New Record set or Existing Set
Click on Save
After a while (for me it was about 5 minutes), you will receive a run-time errors 65099, then run-time error 440. Then your client will close.
Log in again. Click View/Edit under Record Sets (to see if any of the ids saved) , 0 records added.
This does NOT happen when doing a Search or Scan with large sets.
Workaround: Split the record ids file into smaller chunks.
Fixed in the GDC client for 8.2.0.
- Article last edited: 3/4/2015