How do we get a refresh of the data in our test (sandbox) Voyager server?
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
How do we refresh the data in our test (sandbox) server with our production server data?
Please open a ticket with Voyager Support. This procedure will require that a quote be generated, signed and returned to Ex Libris.
We recommend that refreshes of the test server from production be done through the Ex Libris Support and Installation Team in order to maintain supportability, as the process can be sensitive.
The process should involve basically no downtime of your production server. The test server will be down for several hours during the refresh procedure. The amount of downtime depends on the size of the database as well as other factors. The procedure involves an import of all data (bibliographic, patron, acquisitions, etc.) from production to the test environment, followed by a full index regen of the test server.
Test and production must either be the same version of Voyager, or test can be on a newer version of Voyager than production.
Additional Information
As per the Voyager Test Server documentation, another option is to use Marc Export and Bulk Import to copy your MARC data from production to test. Note that in this workflow the BIB IDs will likely be different.
- Article last edited: 10-Feb-2021