How is mfhd 866 subfield 8 populated when serials collapsed in Acquisitions?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 6.5.4
How is mfhd 866 subfield 8 populated when serials collapsed in Acquisitions?
When issues from a predictive component pattern are collapsed, the 863 subfield 8 is the PATTERN_ID from the PATTERN table followed by the highest collapsed ISSUE_ID from the ISSUES_RECEIVED table for the component.
Predictive component PATTERN_ID: 171
Collapse issues 1-4, ISSUE_IDs of 10-40
Resulting field: 863 |8 71.40
Non-predictive component do not have patterns so use 0 instead of a PATTERN_ID, and a separate 866 will be created for each issue.
- Article last edited: 3/5/2015