How to bulk delete mfhd (holding) records from Voyager?
- Product: Voyager
How to batch delete holdings records from Voyager?
Global Data Change can also be used to easily and safely delete Holding records and their related Items.
Before you begin, review Technical User's Guide chapter on BulkImport and MarcExport and note the following:
- Parameter (-r) will delete holdings (mfhd) records
- In order for this to work, you must first have an interleaved file of bibs and mfhds.
- mfhds cannot have any items attached to them and cannot be attached to a PO. You may mass delete item records using Pick and Scan within the Cataloging or Circulation module.
- -rG exports bib-mfhd group in interleaved file
- -m is mode for identifying records for export; can be by record ID file, range of record IDs, Cataloging location, and other characteristics.
- Use MarcExport to create the interleaved file of bib and mfhds
cd /m1/voyager/xxxdb/sbin
Pmarcexport -rG -mM -t/m1/incoming/delete.txt
to export bib-mfhd records where bib_id is in file called delete.txt which is located in /m1/incoming on the server
- Find file of exported records. Will be in /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt directory by default and named marc.exp.YYYYMMDD.HHSS
- System Administration > Cataloging > Bulk Import Rules > New
- Rule Name tab: enter a Rule Code, Rule Name
- Rules tab
- Choose Bibliographic Duplicate Detection profile that a) is set to Replace and b) is set to match on bib ID (BBID)
- Select Owning Library
- Expected Character Set = MARC21 UTF-8
- Profiles tab > Single MFHD > Load Bib/Auth only (this is in the Rules tab prior to Voyager 8.1.0)
- Save Bulk Import Rule.
- Test the rule:
cd /m1/voyager/xxxdb/sbin
Pbulkimport -iDELETE -f/m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/marc.exp.20130222.1523 -b1 -e2 -r
where DELETE is the rule code for the Bulk Import Rule and marc.exp.20130222.1523 is the file of exported records from step 2.
- Review the import log in the /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt (log.imp.YYYYMMDD.hhmm) to ensure first two mfhds in file were deleted.
- If deleted as expected, delete remaining records in file: Pbulkimport -iDELETE -f/m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/marc.exp.20130222.1523 -b3 -r
- Article last edited: 08-Oct-2013