How to export all bib and mfhd records in database
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: All
How to export all bibliographic and holdings (MFHD) records in database?
Answer (where xxxdb is the Voyager Database Instance)
- SSH to server as user voyager
/m1/voyager/xxxdb/sbin/Pmarcexport -rG -mR -tALL
will create an interleaved (Bib-MFHD) file of all bib/mfhd records.
/m1/voyager/xxxdb/sbin/Pmarcexport -rB -mR -tALL
will export all bibliographic records only.
Record file will begin with marc.exp and be written to the /rpt directory on the server (Report Files in WebAdmin interface).
Additional Information
See the Technical User's Guide for a full explanation of Bulk Export of MARC Records.
Additional considerations:
- TIMING: Depends on size of database. Export X number of records (whatever is a reasonable sample for database) and analyze time it takes to export X, applying results to total number of records to estimate time.
- SPACE: For very large databases, exporting in several ranges of record IDs is recommended (i.e., -mR -tNNNN-NNNN (where NNNN is the bib_id; for example -t1-20000 would export bib_ids 1-20000). As with timing, export X number of records will allow estimate of how large files will be for total number of records.
- Article last edited: 28-Jun-2016