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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

LINE_ITEM_STATUS_DESC in LINE_ITEM_STATUS uses 'Cancelled' instead of 'Canceled'

  • Article Type: General
  • Product: Voyager
  • Product Version: 9

Problem Symptoms

The spelling of "canceled" appears as "cancelled" in the LINE_ITEM_STATUS table, however 'canceled' is used in the acquisitions module.


This is the result of issue VYG-6120


Issue VYG-6120 is resolved in voyager 9.1.0

Additional Information


  1. In sqlplus: select * from LINE_ITEM_STATUS;
  2. In Acquisitions:
    1. Locate or create a canceled line item:
    2. Create a new PO
    3. Create a new line item
    4. Approve the PO
    5. In detailed line item>Receive/Mark tab, mark the item using the 'Cancel' reason.
    6. In order Maintenance > Problems, select the marked title, and click Generate Cancel
    7. In the PO observe the line item status as 'Canceled'


  • Article last edited: 2014-Nov-04