MS: selected room is not available for the following booking
- Article Type: Known Issue
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
* When creating a booking on multiple dates for a room, and the booking conflicts with another booking, the error indicates the last date entered the date actual date of the conflict.
Defect Status
Issue 16384-433 / VYG-4567 is resolved in Voyager 9.0.0 and higher.
Replication Steps
1. Create a booking for patron A/room 1 on January 21, 12-3pm.
2. Create a booking for multiple dates for patron B/room 1 including January 21, 12-3pm.
3. You will receive an error: ‘selected room is not available for the following booking: date’
4. The date will be the last date entered on the booking, not Jan 21, which actually overlaps.
5. The user must remove dates one at a time from the booking until they no longer receive an error.
Category: Voy Media Scheduling
- Article last edited: 3/18/2014