MS:view only operator can't see full details of media item on booking
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.1.1
Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-9749 / VYG-4463
Module(s): Media Scheduling, Media SysAdmin
Server platform(s) affected: Solaris/all
Release(s) replicated in: 6.1-7.2.0
Expected results:
All users should be able to scroll on the Media tab of a Booking to see the full details of the media item added.
Actual results:
Users that only have view access cannot scroll on the Media tab of a Booking to see the full details of the media item added.
Workflow implications: If site wants to allow staff from one policy to view bookings for pickup at their desk, they won’t be able to see the Call Number to pull a media item for the booking.
Replication steps:
1. Media SA>Operator Security>Security Profiles>New or Edit>Settings>to make sure a profile has ‘View’ selected for Bookings.
2. Media SA>Operator Security>Operators and make sure that an operator has the profile for step 1 selected.
3. Log in to Media Scheduling with operator from step 2.
4. In Media Scheduling, pull up a booking and go to the Media tab.
5. You will be unable to scroll to the right to see the full details of the booking.
Workaround: To view Bib and Holdings information, including call number, use the MARC button to the right on the Media tab.
VYG-4463 is resolved in Voyager 9.0.0 and higher.
- Article last edited: 3/18/2014