Media Scheduling: "Requestor is not authorized to book equipment of this type"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.1
Problem Symptoms:
?€¢ Error message: "Requestor is not authorized to book equipment of this type" upon equipment check out.
No default matrix present
Create a default All/All matrix:
1. Go to Media System Administration > Media Scheduling > Policy Groups > choose appropriate policy group > Edit > Matrices > Equipment tab
2. Click "New", which will bring up New Equipment Matrix Assignments section in bottom half of window
3. Choose Equipment Type: "All"
4. Choose Patron Group: "All"
5. Choose Settings: "Default Settings: [3 Hour]"
6. Click "Save"
Category: (Voy Media Scheduling)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013