Missing Fund Type Name error when running Fund Snapshot Report (Acqjob 3) .inp file through Reporter
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: all
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Problem Symptoms
When attempting to run Acqjob 3 (Fund Snapshot Report) through Reporter, message says 'an error occurred' and the report is not processed. Checking the error files in C:\Voyager\Reporter\Reports on the PC, there's a repeating error that states 'Missing Fund Type Name'
This error will occur if any one fund included in the report does not have a valid fund type.
1. Query the database to find which funds do not have a valid fund type, then add a fund type to the funds in question in Acquisitions
2. Re-run the Fund Snapshot Report with whatever parameters you choose
If running the Fund Snapshot Report across all fiscal periods, the funds that don't have a valid fund type are quite old, and the snapshot data for the older fiscal years isn't immediately needed:
1. Re-run the Fund Snapshot Report
2. Specify the current fiscal period where funds do not have this problem (instead of selecting ALL to run the report across all fiscal years)
- Article last edited: 29-Jun-2020