Opening Cat and Acq clients causes "Unexpected error, quitting."
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: All
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
Problem Symptoms
After new client install or AutoUpdate, opening Cataloging and Acquisitions clients results in "Unexpected error, quitting."
Initial launch of Cataloging and Acquisitions modules writes to registry, which requires Administrator privileges.
- Reboot PC.
- Log in to workstation as user with Admin privileges.
- Launch Catalog.exe and Acquisitions.exe.
For Voyager 8.0.0 and higher:
- Reboot PC.
- Log in to workstation.
- Launch CatalogStart.exe and AcquisitionsStart.exe (may need to right-click and select "Run as administrator")
The *Start.exe files allow non-Admin users to successfully launch clients after install.
Additional Information
Subsequent launch of clients can be done by users with more restrictive privileges.
In Voyager 8.0.0 and higher, CatalogStart.exe and AcquisitionsStart.exe allow users to launch Cataloging and Acquisitions the first time without requiring Administrator privileges.
- Article last edited: 25-Oct-2016