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    Overview of setting up purchase orders and check-in records for periodicals in Voyager

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Overview of steps for setting up purchase orders and check-in records for periodicals in Voyager.


    These steps assume that your library already has bibliographic records in Voyager for your periodical titles.

    1. Login to the Acquisitions Client with a username/password that has privileges to create and update purchase orders.
    2. Click Orders on Left side of screen. Choose New Purchase Order. It is strongly recommended that you create a separate PO for each serial title.
    3. On the Header Tab enter the following information:
      1. An order number is automatically assigned. You can edit this number, for example, if you want to include a locally defined code to indicate it is a subscription PO (i.e. add PS before the number to indicate it is a “print subscription”).
      2. Type: Continuation.
      3. Site: Should be your happening location for Acquisitions/Serials (NOTE: once the PO is initially saved, the Site is no longer editable -- even for Pending POs)
      4. Vendor Code: Enter the correct vendor code for the particular order; Click on the ellipses to validate the code. If you are not sure of the vendor code you can also click the magnifying glass icon to search for the vendor code. (Vendors and accounts need to be created prior to setting up POs.)
      5. Choose an account if you have multiple accounts with the vendor.
      6. You can choose the ship to/bill to addresses if you like, but it isn’t necessary unless you need to print out the purchase order through the Reporter Client.
      7. Currency Code: Select appropriate code.
      8. Click SAVE at top of the purchase order.
    4. Click ADD LINE [BIB SEARCH] located on bottom left of the purchase order. You may search by any field; searching by ISSN (022a) tends to be the quickest (you must include the dash in ISSN searches). Choose the correct title and click OK, the title will be added to the Purchase Order.
    5. Click on the line item to highlight and click the DETAILED LINE ITEM... button. The “Line Item” screen will pop-up. From that screen you can add the following information:
      1. Copies/Funds – Click ADD.
        1. Intended Location: choose the correct location in your library.
        2. Link to Holdings: Click on the ellipsis and Click LINK.
          NOTE: This will link the checked-in serial records to the existing MFHD. If you have multiple MFHDs associated with the bib record, be sure to verify that you are linking to the correct one. If you don’t have an existing MFHD a new one will be created. If you do not want the checked in issues to be on the same MFHD as your existing holdings do NOT link to holdings.
        3. Ship to: [Optional, may want if your library receives multiple copies of the same title.]
        4. Ledger: Click Folder Icon to browse through ledgers/funds and select the correct one. If your funds have codes you may enter that code directly or search instead of browsing (if you search for your funds be aware that all funds will be retrieved, even those that are expired).
        5. Click Save.
        6. Click Close.
      2. Type 
        1. Line Item Type: Subscription (should be filled in if you chose Continuation as your PO type).
        2. Subscription Length (optional): fill in appropriate number of issues.
        3. Click Save.
        4. Click Subscription Pattern [A new screen will open].
          • Click New to create a new component. The default Component Name will be the title from the 245 of the Bib Record. This can be adjusted if desired, but remember this is the title that will be used search for the check-in record.
          • Choose default item type (if you create item records for each issue, otherwise optional).
          • Choose Claim Period: below are suggestions only. It is important to consider the title when you set up your claim periods (is it a title that can’t be claimed after a certain amount of time has passed, etc). Possible claim periods: Weekly: enter 14 days; Semi- Monthly/Monthly: enter 30 days; Bimonthly/quarterly: enter 60 days; 3x a year/semiannual/annual/biannual: enter 90 days.
          • Click Save.
          • Click Predictive Component Pattern tab. 
          • Choose appropriate pattern (Pre-set patterns exist). You may also choose to set up your own prediction pattern using the “New Publication Pattern” or “New Complex Prediction Pattern” option.
          • Click Start Prediction. You may want to start the prediction based on the item in hand or for the first anticipated issue received of a particular volume. Either way, enter the enumeration/chronology for the first item you wish to check in.
          • Expected on: box: put in day of month based on when issues usually received, if you have that information (default is 1).
          • First issue expected date: must be same day of month as entered in the above step.
          • Click OK.
          • To verify the pattern has been correctly predicted by the system you can click in the “Issue” box and view the expected issues.
      3. Click Serials Check-In on left hand part of screen. [Do this step if you want to start your check-in as you are setting up your predictions.] 
    • Search for the component you just created, this will show you the expected issue; it should be the one you entered in the “Start Prediction” step above.
    • Click Accept in middle of screen. The next screen that opens will have the details for the title/issue you are receiving on it. Click in the box next to the issue you are receiving to highlight it, and click Receive. The screen will return to Serials Check-In (You will see that the expected issue has changed to next issue with the issue expected date).
    • You can also check in a single issue by clicking quick check in. This method requires fewer “clicks” and may be preferable after a comfort level has been established with the system.
    • Click History button to see that the issue is checked in, if desired. From this screen you can also remove issues from OPAC display, collapse issues, and un-receive them as necessary.
    • Click Clear Workspace.
    1. At the bottom of the screen you will see your PO and line item still open, but minimized. Click on them to maximize then click Save and Close on Line item.
    2. Approve the PO: Order -> Approve. If you don’t approve the PO you will not be able to invoice it later. Click Save and Close on PO. ​


    Additional Information

    See also: Voyager Serials Check-in TipsWhat are the functional implications of the Order Site on PO's (Purchase Orders)


    • Article last edited: 17-Jul-2024
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