Suppressing location in SysAdmin does not suppress existing mfhds
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
Problem symptoms
Suppressing location in SysAdmin does not supress existing mfhds.
Working as designed
Any mfhds created while the location was unsuppressed will remain unsuppressed until the mfhd itself is marked suppressed. Marking the location in SysAdmin as suppressed doesn't retroactively mark previously created mfhds as suppressed.
Voyager 7.0.1 or higher
Use Pick and Scan in Cataloging or Circulation to suppress MFHDs if their linked item records have barcodes.
Voyager 9.0 and higher
MFHDs can be suppressed by record_id in Pick and Scan, or using Global Data Change (GDC).
- Article last edited: 06-Jan-2017