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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

Voyager modules fail to start: "Unknown Error - - 10053"

  • Product: Voyager
  • Product Version: All
  • Relevant for Installation Type: All


- When a client module is run, the log in prompt is never presented, and the user is shown "Unknown Error - - 10053"

- Oracle alert logs display multiple instances of error: "ORA-04031: unable to allocate x bytes of shared memory"

- Other Oracle errors may appear in the alert logs (i.e., "ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (300) exceeded" or "License warning limit (265) exceeded")


- The corresponding application on the server for the client being run is unable to establish a connection with Oracle.


- Restart the Voyager application server.

- If after restarting, the issue persists or quickly recurs, submit a case to Voyager support.

Additional Information

- The most common reason for this issue to occur is if the number of open Oracle connections exceeds the maximum number allowed in your installation, thus preventing the creation of new connections.

- This often occurs when the Voyager server has a long uptime ( greater than approximately 30 days) restarting the Voyager may resolve this issue. Restarting Voyager at least weekly, and ideally daily, is recommended.

- This Error can also occur if Acquisitions access has been disabled during Fiscal Period Close

- The Error is also seen if Oracle is shutdown unexpectedly

- Check to make sure there have been no changes in your network infrastructure (connectivity, firewall settings, etc.)

- If restarting voyager fails to resolve or prevent this issue, there are several other possible causes which can be identified and resolved by Voyager support.


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