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    WebV/Cat - Relevance Re Sort is inconsistent

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.0.1

    Problem Symptoms

    When running a search in the OPAC with relevance turned on, the sort order of results by relevance is not consistent after choosing a different sort method.

    Defect Status

    Issue 16384-10209 / VYG-1452 is resolved in Voyager 8.2.2 and higher.

    Replication steps

    1. Connect to the OPAC, and run a GKEY* search for ?holocaust?
    2. Notice the results displayed, and their order
    3. Change the sort option from relevance to Author, the results list should re-sort properly
    4. Choose Relevance from the sort options, the list will re-sort, but not back to the way it was displayed in step 2
    5. Now, choose Title, the list should re-sort again
    6. Switch back to Relevance, and notice that the results are sorted in a way unique to steps 2 and 4.


    Re-execute original search

    • Article last edited: 08-Oct-2013