WebV/SA: ARTEmail request formatting
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.2
Bug Report Form, 16384-17601
Module(s): WebVoyage / SysAdmin
Release(s) replicated in: All
Last version without bug (if applicable): n/a
Expected results: ARTEmail Requests in Voyager would be formatted so that BL could accept requests without issue.
Actual results: British Library’s new software will not accept ARTEmail Requests as Voyager currently formats them. Specifically, BL now requires a space between the reference number and message keyword codes.
Workflow implications: Libraries must manually alter the requests before forwarding to BL.
Replication steps:
1. Create an ARTEmail request form – Loan or Photocopy (or both). Set the Email address to one that you will receive.
2. In WebVoyage go to the patron request forms and make an ARTEmail Request. Fill in all appropriate information.
3. Note that the reference number and message keyword code (LOAN or PHOTO) are all printed together with no space between. BL requires there to be a space between the two.
Workaround: Change the email address in SysAdmin for your ARTEmail forms to send to an internal address; edit the reference number/message keyword code to have the correct spacing before submitting to BL.
Fixed in Voyager 8.1.2.
- Article last edited: 3/6/2015